Division with remainders math game – Dragon fire game

In 4th grade, students still learn that multiplication and division go hand by hand. They essentially belong together. Multiplication and Division are core mathematical skill for youngsters in 4th grade. Fourth Grade math is at the level at which basic multiplication and division skills are introduced to be mastered.

Students will see division problems that have remainders once they work division problems and when students work on real-world division problems, they will need to find out logically what to do and how to proceed.

Division with Remainders the game gives students practice dividing. Players should have a scratchpad nearby for those problems that they're unable to figure using mental math. After each choice is chosen, the subsequent screen will feature a colorful space dog who is trying to catch a bone. In the case that the answers are right, the bone is caught by the dog. But when answers are incorrect then the bone is knocked away by a meteor or beamed aboard an alien spaceship.