Subtraction game with carrying | math game for kids

Basic addition and subtraction are taken to a different level when students begin to use regrouping at the top of second grade and beginning of third grade. Students use the talents of place value and moving from the hundreds place to the tens place when regrouping so as to subtract with renaming hundreds and tens.

In this game, students are given several standard algorithm problems to unravel, all with a 2-minute deadline. Students are ready to use a scratchpad so as to seek out the right answer. But take care, out of 4 multiple choices, there is a minimum of two choices that are on the brink of the right one! There also are real-world math word problems to involve more critical thinking skills. After each problem, on the next screen a colorful dragon trying to cook a meal. If the right answer is given, the dragon is in a position to repel a hungry bird. If a non-correct answer is given, the hungry bird manages to snack on the dragon’s meal.