Converting fractions to decimals | math game for kids

Understanding basic fractions and therefore the concept that fractions are just decimals in another form and vice-versa might be a difficult concept for 4th-grade students. A decimal is a smaller amount than an entire number. Likewise, a fraction might be a part of an entire number. Any time they need a chance to practice this skill while playing a game may be a double bonus.

Fraction to Decimals the Game is a fun alternative to practicing and continue learning which fractions are like certain decimals. One screen shows a well-known fraction and 4 decimal choices. There’s also a timed clock for those students needing more enrichment. After a choice is formed the player will watch the next page where a dragon is defending his dinner from an aggressive but harmless bird if the player makes the right choice the dragon can eat else the bird is going to snatch a piece of meat. This game is a simply tool to assist 4th-grade students with fractions and decimals.