Subtraction of two digit numbers – Crocodile Board Game

2 digit subtraction with regrouping games - In this game, first grade and KG students practice the subtraction of two digit numbers. Students will solve subtraction of two digit numbers and in some cases will have to regroup. Subtraction with regrouping and subtraction without regrouping having specific set of rules. For more practice, print out worksheets under this topic in the worksheets section and enhance your skills ahead of the game. The game also encourages students to solve problems mentally, hence building on other math skills much needed at this level. The game is also aligned with the curriculum for students in the above mentioned grades. The dice rolls and lands at random and the questions that pop up also do so at random. The number shown on the dice dictates the number of spaces you have to move forward. While moving though, the crocodiles are the spaces you do not want to land on else you will be sent back to start. But landing on a space with bugs is a boost as frogs like bugs. In spite of the fun, also keep track of the fact that this game is meant to convey the skill of subtracting numbers that contain two digits. Have fun playing and keep coming for more. This math online activity is applicable to students in grade 3, grade 4 and grade 5.

Subtraction of three digit numbers – Crocodile Board Game

With this crocodile game, you will increase skills in the subtraction of three numbers. The game useful in the improvement of your mental math abilities particularly in the area of subtracting three digit numbers. You win the game when you arrive at the final space. However, in between the starting and ending points, there are loads of huddles which can only be overcome by luck and especially by solving math problems correctly and selecting the correct answer. This game can be played at home or in the classroom. It can be played as a group game or by an individual. Simply click to roll the dice and play the game with your teammates. It is a creative interactive subtraction game online to gain basic math skills. In the course of the game, you may come across a crocodile. But the right solution saves you from the crocodile. A wrong answer and a hungry crocodile sends you back to start. The game has some distinct features that boost math skills among students. Just play the game and get the upper hand over your rival. Students earn points that are displayed at the top of the game and cumulated as they play. This math online activity is applicable to students in grade 3, grade 4 and grade 5.

Roman numerals – Crocodile Board Game

Have fun practicing how to count in Roman and Arabic numerals with the online version of a crocodile swamp board game. It is like an adventure game with multiple choice questions related to Roman numerals. You will get advanced math practice with children in different grades. You should teach your children Roman numerals with this fun game since they easily get absorbed into the fun without noticing how much they are learning. Roman numerals are important in our daily lives and especially learning how to count using them teaches us a lot of basic math skills. A lot of scientific literature references Roman numerals. So it is important to teach your kids counting in Roman numerals at an early age. However, some children tend to struggle with the concept. We figured this out and provided a solution by blending the problems within the framework of a fun board game. Children love this game. You earn points when you win or lose when you answer questions incorrectly. You learn from your mistakes; hence there is no limit to the number of times you are allowed to retake the game. For primary grades and elementary classes, this is a suitable quiz, test and practice. The only thing you need to do is avoiding the crocodiles that come your way. Landing on a croc space is tragic and you will be sent back to start. Answering questions incorrectly also slows down your progress towards the final space. Have fun with this math online activity for students in kindergarten, grade 1, grade 2, grade 3, grade 4 and grade 5.

Indentify Prime and composite numbers – Crocodile Board Game

Have you ever played a crocodile board game? Have you any idea that this game may be used for practicing math problems? It makes your problems of identifying prime and composite numbers much easier. It is a fact that gaining skills in differentiating prime and composite numbers is important since it relates to other math topics like factors and later on factorization. We developed this fun game with this goal in mind. In our daily life, we have to face a number of problems. In the midst of such problems we have to make choices. The same principle applies in math. A good example is determining if numbers are prime or composite numbers. There are only two options; a number is either composite or prime. This crocodile swamp board game is a true or false quiz. Students will say if a number is prime or composite by choosing either true or false. The associated game is the crocodile board game and it is designed for kids to reinforce the concept of prime and composite numbers while having fun. The game has some levels based on the range of numbers. Just play the game to discover the excitement it brings to students in the classroom or at home. There are crocodiles ready to devour any student that cannot find the correct answer. This math online activity is applicable to students in grade 3, grade 4 and grade 5.

Pre-algebra with subtraction – Crocodile Board Game

Do you face issues teaching your students pre-algebra subtraction concepts? Are you searching for a fun activity for kids to practice skills related to pre-algebra operations? This game is designed around a highly interactive and fun concept adapted for kids. You have a crocodile adventure along with pre-algebra practice in subtraction that you will learn throughout this game. There are a lot of games online, but the crocodile algebra subtraction game is unique. Pre algebraic subtraction is not easy for primary level students, but if we blend a fun activity with practice, students happily get sucked in by the fun. As you play the game, algebra problems pop up at each stage. The questions in the current game contain a missing variable and the main operation is subtraction. Students have to solve subtraction problems and select the correct value for the unknown variable. There is much to learn. You may play this game on your iPhone, android or pc. This game caters for the syllabus of all elementary level students. Start playing the game and defeat the crocodiles. Have fun with this math online activity for students in grade 3, grade 4 and grade 5.

Pre-algebra with addition – Crocodile Board Game

With this fun game, you will practice 4th and 5th grade algebra. The pre-algebra crocodile game is responsive and activity-based practice test game. To begin, you need to start rolling the dice and solving algebra addition problems. What this entails is finding the value of an unknown variable in each question and selecting the right answer amongst the set of choices provided. Learners get weary of a boring math class especially when it comes to learning algebra which gets a little abstract. A fun game like the crocodile board game is beneficial since it triggers a spirit of competition and fun. You will face vicious crocodiles during your practice. You may make them your friends if you find the right answers, but wrong answers throw you straight into the throat of a crocodile which eats and sends you back to the starting point. You will practice algebra to get promoted to the next grade. Algebra addition is made easy through this practice game, and you will get to boost your skills in algebraic expressions and algebra word problems. The game is creative and packed with a lot of activities and adventure. Have fun with this math online activity for students in grade 3, grade 4 and grade 5.

Order of operations – Crocodile Board Game

Are you interested in a crocodile game to reinforce math skills in order of operations among elementary level kids? It is normal for students to find BODMAS (PEMDAS) rules difficult at first. However, constant practice will unlock the mystery. With this fun crocodile game, students will practice order of operations skills seamlessly. Learn while practicing and testing your skills; it is fun and exciting when you win points by providing the correct answer. It is also fun when you lose and learn from your mistakes. This game is suitable for kindergarten, kg and 1st to 3rd grade students. There is an aspect of the game which is a quiz test and MCQ's to go with it. You need to avoid crocodiles on this board game and try to go through the swamp without being eaten by a crocodile. The game is aligned with activity-based learning and evaluation tactics. It is so much fun for children who find this topic boring. Parents and teachers can use it to supplement their regular course. Have fun with this math online activity for students in kindergarten, grade 1, grade 2, grade 3, grade 4 and grade 5.

Spelling numbers from one to twenty – Crocodile Board Game

Practice the numbers one to twenty vocabulary and spellings with this fun activity. It is an interactive crocodile board game for beginner level math. You will enhance your skills in spellings numbers from one to twenty through this crocodile game. Here math learners and teachers can use the game to review English spellings and simply practice number spellings.

In the game, there are images. There is an introductory video with instructions. Just click the start button and go on rolling the dice. You will have to face a crocodile if you spell the numbers wrongly, but a correct spelling gives you a lead over your peers. You must provide the correct answers to move forward. The game is great for spelling practice up to twenty. The crocodiles and flamingoes add the anxiety and excitement in this game. Great for grade 1, grade 2, and grade 3 children to practice online.

Learn how to spell numbers above twenty – Crocodile Board Game

Add the excitement of your class through this number spelling above twenty practice game. You will practice spelling with this supper cute crocodile swamp board game. In the game, you learn how to spell numbers above twenty. All you need to do is to start the game. Click on the correct spellings of a random number. You may play the game alone or take it as a competition with your peers. It the most played math fun game to learn spellings of numbers. It features a multiple choice problem option where students are presented with the spellings of other numbers amongst which only one is correct. The wrong answer may create problems for you. Remember the game board has crocodiles ready to eat you as you play. You will be having fun through this game and learning at the same time. It is a learn-through-activity fun game. Just start playing it and get the best out of it. Students can play on their own or could be accompanied by other players. It both a suitable classroom game and self-paced study game. Have fun with this math online activity for students in kindergarten, grade 1, grade 2, grade 3, grade 4 and grade 5.

Multiplication of large numbers – Crocodile Board Game

It is in 5th and 6th grades that children encounter multiplication of large numbers. In the current crocodile swamp board game, students get to review the concept while having fun online. For the purpose of practice you need to open the game and click on the dice to roll it. You have to answer a random multiplication question each time you roll the dice. There are crocodiles on the way waiting for you to write a wrong answer and trap you. Do not land on a crocodile by providing the wrong answer. The flamingo will eat frogs too, so you want to avoid them. You need to answer correctly or you will be prompted to go back to start. You don't want to risk having the nasty experience of meeting a crocodile. You must make friends with the bug.

You will practice multiplying by large numbers, for example, 342x654 =? You will also practice finding the product of other large numbers as the game caters for the need of 6th grade math students. It aligns with common core state standards. Have fun with this math online activity for students in kindergarten, grade 1, grade 2, grade 3, grade 4 and grade 5.