Order of operations – Crocodile Board Game

Are you interested in a crocodile game to reinforce math skills in order of operations among elementary level kids? It is normal for students to find BODMAS (PEMDAS) rules difficult at first. However, constant practice will unlock the mystery. With this fun crocodile game, students will practice order of operations skills seamlessly. Learn while practicing and testing your skills; it is fun and exciting when you win points by providing the correct answer. It is also fun when you lose and learn from your mistakes. This game is suitable for kindergarten, kg and 1st to 3rd grade students. There is an aspect of the game which is a quiz test and MCQ's to go with it. You need to avoid crocodiles on this board game and try to go through the swamp without being eaten by a crocodile. The game is aligned with activity-based learning and evaluation tactics. It is so much fun for children who find this topic boring. Parents and teachers can use it to supplement their regular course. Have fun with this math online activity for students in kindergarten, grade 1, grade 2, grade 3, grade 4 and grade 5.