Multiplication of large numbers – Crocodile Board Game

It is in 5th and 6th grades that children encounter multiplication of large numbers. In the current crocodile swamp board game, students get to review the concept while having fun online. For the purpose of practice you need to open the game and click on the dice to roll it. You have to answer a random multiplication question each time you roll the dice. There are crocodiles on the way waiting for you to write a wrong answer and trap you. Do not land on a crocodile by providing the wrong answer. The flamingo will eat frogs too, so you want to avoid them. You need to answer correctly or you will be prompted to go back to start. You don't want to risk having the nasty experience of meeting a crocodile. You must make friends with the bug.

You will practice multiplying by large numbers, for example, 342x654 =? You will also practice finding the product of other large numbers as the game caters for the need of 6th grade math students. It aligns with common core state standards. Have fun with this math online activity for students in kindergarten, grade 1, grade 2, grade 3, grade 4 and grade 5.