Pre-algebra with addition – Crocodile Board Game

With this fun game, you will practice 4th and 5th grade algebra. The pre-algebra crocodile game is responsive and activity-based practice test game. To begin, you need to start rolling the dice and solving algebra addition problems. What this entails is finding the value of an unknown variable in each question and selecting the right answer amongst the set of choices provided. Learners get weary of a boring math class especially when it comes to learning algebra which gets a little abstract. A fun game like the crocodile board game is beneficial since it triggers a spirit of competition and fun. You will face vicious crocodiles during your practice. You may make them your friends if you find the right answers, but wrong answers throw you straight into the throat of a crocodile which eats and sends you back to the starting point. You will practice algebra to get promoted to the next grade. Algebra addition is made easy through this practice game, and you will get to boost your skills in algebraic expressions and algebra word problems. The game is creative and packed with a lot of activities and adventure. Have fun with this math online activity for students in grade 3, grade 4 and grade 5.