Solve order of operations – Math mcq game quiz for kids

When your kid has explicit knowledge of essential addition, subtraction and multiplication, you have to get ready for the next level which entails order of operations. What to do when you face more than one operation in a single expression? Here is a Solve order of operations Math MCQ game quiz for kids. The order of operation game is developed to solve complex mathematical operations. In the fun game, you have practice quizzes to understand the BODMAS rule (also called PEMDAS). In this way, they get the order of operation concept transparently. The games cover the syllabus of K-7 grades using various techniques and strategies to develop a perfect system to help kids learn effortlessly. Although it is a fun game, students end up learning the concept through the variety of problems and scenarios found in the game. It imparts them with skills in solving order of operation sums. Click on the start button and start rolling the dice.

The snakes and ladders game is an old fun game which many kids are familiar with. You will find this game exciting.