Addition of numbers up to ten – Snakes and ladders game online

Addition has always been a core part of math education in elementary schools. We have developed a physical cardboard online in the form of a snakes and ladders game to teach your kids the basic concept of addition of numbers up to ten. With this snakes and ladders game, your child will be able to learn essential addition skills. They get to learn math with some extra excitement. This popular game blends the fun of being eaten by snakes or climbing ladders with learning how to add.

Here are some features of the game:

  • Excellent use of game technology to learning addition
  • Play game with confidence
  • With the snake and ladder game, you get points with the correct answer.
  • Research-based game for education purpose
  • Equally beneficial for all elementary grades
  • After practice, you will be able to add numbers up to ten.