Functions of smooth endoplasmic reticulum
The smooth endoplasmic reticulum is an organelle. It is also called the smooth ER. This organelle is found in both plant and the animal cells. It is however absent in prokaryotic cells. Organelles are simply subunits of cells. They carry out some unique functions.

This organelle is a network of membranes. These membranes have tubules and flattened sacs. In its interior, is a space called the lumen. It is found throughout the cell. A connection exists between it and the nucleus. It serves several purposes in the cell. We are going to examine some of them below.
The exact role of the smooth ER varies from cell to cell. The following are some of its main roles:
Manufacturing and Packaging Cellular Products
The smooth endoplasmic reticulum manufactures and packages cellular products. These are mostly lipids and hormones. Lipids form the structural component of cells. They do so in conjunction with carbohydrates and proteins. Its manufacture is hence great for the entire body.
Hormones stimulate cells and tissues into action. They contain some ‘coded instructions’ in them. They prevent the body from getting mixed up. In most cases, they are transported via blood or sap. They come in different kinds and forms. This means they are suited for different functions. Your body cannot do without them.
Transportation of Proteins and Carbohydrates
They also transport carbohydrates and proteins. It relays them to the other organelles. Examples of these are plasma membrane, Golgi body, and lysosomes. These substances pass through their lumens. In so doing, they guarantee the smooth functioning of the cell. Any breakdowns in them may often cause certain issues.
To do this role well, they require some energy. This energy is supplied by another organelle. The organelle is called a mitochondrion. This energy is called adenosine triphosphate (ATP). Such transportation increases the efficiency of the cell. It also boosts the health of the body.
Expedites Cellular Reactions
Most chemical reactions occur in the cell. Yet again, the smooth endoplasmic reticulum expedites them. As stated, this organelle comprises some tubules. These tubules are located at the edge of the cell. They increase the surface area. This, in turn, improves the pace of reaction of the cell.
Chances of producing poor outcomes are heavily suppressed. Instead, the cell enjoys better health and outcomes all the time. Apart from this, the tubules stores some key enzymes. These enzymes are used in future reactions. They mainly catalyze the reactions for greater outcomes.
Formation of Nuclear Membranes
The smooth endoplasmic reticulum forms nuclear membranes. This happens during cell division. The nuclear membrane encloses the contents of the nucleus. These include the nucleolus, DNA, and nucleoplasm, among others. This enclosure shields the contents from the cytoplasm. It hence preserves the integrity of the cell.
Steroid Synthesis
Steroids are substances in the body. They perform a range of functions. Mostly, they build muscles and add strength to the body. Examples are cholesterols, testosterone, progesterone, glycogen, and proteins. The smooth ER, yet again, produces them. It hence contributes to the proper functioning of the body. Also, it makes the bodybuilding exercise, a breeze.
Attachment of Receptors
Receptors are responsive cells. They can respond to heat, light, or external stimuli. They also transmit signals. For them to function, they have to be attached. In most cases, they are attached to cell membrane proteins. These are structures that constitute the cell membrane. Smooth endoplasmic reticulum performs this role, yet again. You hence become more responsive, when this organelle performs well.
Coordinates Cellular Activities
As stated, cells have numerous organelles. For these organelles to work well, they have to be coordinated. Failure to do so might often lead to chaos. The smooth endoplasmic reticulum does this job well. It works hand in hand with most organelles. These include the Golgi apparatus, mRNA, ribosomes, and tRNA. In so doing, it prevents them from breaking down.
Carbohydrate Metabolism
It can also metabolize carbohydrates. This means breaking down carbohydrate to its constituent parts. The end result is some easier absorption. It is able to do so because it has some enzymes. These accelerate cellular reactions. It is these reactions that dismantle the carbohydrate building blocks.
Regulates Calcium Concentration
This organelle performs different roles in different cells. While in the muscles, it regulates the concentration of Calcium ion. Higher levels of calcium ion are not good for the muscles. It stiffens them and makes the immobile. Reduced levels allow the muscles to relax. It also tones them appropriately.
Drug Detoxification
Lastly, the smooth endoplasmic reticulum detoxifies the body. It breaks down some harmful drugs. Chief among these are the lipid-soluble drugs. Also, it diminishes some harmful compounds in the body. The organelle hence helps with addictions. At the same time, it shields your body from intoxication.
As you may see, the smooth endoplasmic reticulum is great for your body. It plays many roles at a time. You have to thank it for most of your health benefits. Did you find this conversation helpful? Would you recommend it for a friend? Let us hear in the comment segment below…