Entries by math4childrenplus

How old are kids in 1st grade

When a child gets to 1st grade it is quite a milestone for them and their parents. For most parents, it is usually terrifying and at the same time an exciting experience. This is because the child gets into the real life of academics. The transition into school represents a major step in a child’s […]

How Google Classroom is Used for Homeschool

Google classroom is one of the most useful and powerful educational platforms that helps educators in scheduling, planning, creating and distributing course material. Homeschool mums can use this tool to support their kids or create classrooms for home school groups and their children. Public schools and the general public can now make use of this […]

10 Things Every New Teacher Should Know

Getting your first job is a life-changing experience for everybody. For most newcomers, the first days at a job are challenging, given that you have to familiarize yourself with other colleagues and the new work environment. With teaching comes the extra baggage of familiarizing yourself not only with new colleagues but also several students with […]

Cell Organelles and their functions in cells

Introduction  Cell organelles are specialized structures that act like a digestive system which takes in nutrients, break them down and creates rich molecules for the cell. The specialized/organized structures help turn the energy we take as food into energy that cell can use. The biochemical activity of the cell is known as cellular respiration. The […]

Where Proteins are Made

Many people wonder about the human body and how it works. Here is some information about how protein is made in the cell and a way to understand it in simple terms.   Proteins are a series of complex molecules. They are needed by the body in a number of ways. The proteins are needed by […]

What is the function of chloroplast ?

Chloroplasts in a cell are the sites where photosynthesis takes place. These sites are however not found in all cells of a body but rather only in the photosynthetic cells such as algae and plant cells. Therefore, you cannot find such cells in bacterial or animal cells.  Structuring of the chloroplasts  Those chloroplasts which are […]

What is mitochondria?

Mitochondria are the plural of mitochondrion. A mitochondrion is a cell organelle found in eukaryotic organisms. The name mitochondrion comes from the Greek word Mitos which means, thread and Chondrion which means granule It has a double membrane and is responsible for the supply of the Adenosine Triphosphate that is used as a chemical energy […]

What does Chloroplast do for Plants?

Plant life is very important to our world. Without plants there would be no air, no food and no homes for many plant species. Plants do so much for our world. So, it’s very important that we understand what they are and what they do. One way that we can understand plants is by knowing […]