How Much Does a Kindergarten Teacher In the United States Make an Hour? 2019

In the United States, kindergarten teachers undertake the responsibility of teaching kids whose average age is generally five. The main subjects taught at this level include math, science, reading and writing. They are also involved in teaching other skills like managing their emotions, to basics like tying their shoes, among others. To qualify as a kindergarten teacher, you must have a bachelor’s degree and in most cases, a state certification.

Basic Salary

As of April 2019, the Bureau of Labor Statistics highlighted that kindergarten teachers made an average of $50,380 in a year. This body does not highlight the hourly rate because most kindergarten teachers work full-time all year-round. However, dividing $50,380 by the standard number of hours worked per year, 2080, the average hourly rate is $24.22.

$24.22 average rate for kindergarten teachers is lower than what high school and elementary teachers earn. Elementary teachers earn an average of $25.55 per hour while high school teachers get about $26.51 per hour. However, these amounts do not include vocational or special education specialties.

Schools and Salary

Some of the biggest employers of kindergarten instructors are secondary and elementary schools. At this level, most of the teachers make an average of $24.72 per hour. Kindergarten teachers working in elementary and secondary schools constitute more than 3% out of a total of 5.7 million training, library and education workers.

States and Salary

Salaries of kindergarten teachers varies from one state to the other. Although the economic status of the state plays a vital role in determining the rate at which kindergarten teachers get paid, other important factors too determine what a teacher receives. For example, California, which has the highest population in the United States offers the most jobs for kindergarten teachers, about 28,000 positions.

In California, kindergarten teachers get as much as $27.24 on average per hour, which is significantly higher than the national average. However, Rhode Island has the highest average rates for kindergarten teachers, $32.55 per hour, while other professionals in education earn an average of $27.87 per hour.

Cities and Salaries

Salaries for kindergarten varies across various cities in the country. Most of the populous and economically vibrant cities have higher average pay for kindergarten teachers as compared to less populated and economically average cities.

For example, New York City, which is the most populous city in the United States, has an average salary of $32.41 per hour, which is significantly higher than the national average. New York City also happens to be the city with the most jobs for kindergarten instructors at 13,400 positions.

Other cities across the country with a significant population and economic strength such as Los Angeles, Houston and Chicago have kindergarten average rates at $27.22, $23.60, and $22.78 respectively.

Although there is a national average of what most kindergarten teachers earn on an hourly basis, cities, schools and states play a vital role in determining what kindergarten teachers earn. However, it is important to highlight that all kindergarten teachers earn way above the minimum wage across the country, which is the same for other education, library and training workers.

How Google Classroom is Used for Homeschool

Google classroom is one of the most useful and powerful educational platforms that helps educators in scheduling, planning, creating and distributing course material. Homeschool mums can use this tool to support their kids or create classrooms for home school groups and their children. Public schools and the general public can now make use of this vital resource. Gone are the days when Google classroom was only accessible to students who had official educational domains. Individuals who have multiple students can use this too, to revolutionize their schools. This article will help you learn how to use google classroom for homeschool.

Task Performed by Google Classroom

You can use this platform to assign tests, videos, reading, and questions to children in advance. In addition to providing multiple assignments, Google Classroom can be used by mums to grade their children’s work and communicate with their students. 

Applications used by Google Classroom

Some of the favorite apps used by Google Classroom include Google Drive, Gmail, Google Calendar, and Google Docs. These are useful tools that help children in planning their course work and achieving their goals. There are many suggestions that can help people in using this valuable resource for their Homeschool. The following are the practical ways in which one can utilize Google Classroom for Homeschool;

Creating lessons plans- You can use this platform to organize your lessons plans digitally and move them from other places. 

Creating calendars- a Google Calendar is used to keep track of the children’s assignments.

Adding files- Google Classroom makes it easy for one to add and download files for your children.

Adding announcements- You can create notifications to alert your children to relevant information.

Checking the daily activities of your kids- this tool can help you in monitoring whether your kid is active in class or not.

Sending due date reminders- Completing assignments in time is the best way of avoiding the last minute rush. Google classroom can help you in sending reminders to your kids some days before the due date.

Creating tests- Testing a student is the best way of finding out whether he/she has mastered the content of a particular topic. Moms can use this tool to keep track of their children grades.

Adding photos- This tool makes it easier to upload photos and then use them as you like. For instance, you can use these photos as writing prompts and as examples of the subject matter.

Linking to sites- Outside links are used as relevant sources by students while learning.

Recreate assignments- It is easy to tweak frequently used forms like discussion questions. 

Learn How to Use Google Classroom by Viewing Tutorials

Individuals who are new to this platform should make an effort of learning how it works for them to use it effectively. The best way of doing this is viewing tutorials. Individuals who are familiar with it should look for detailed subject videos to supplements what their students have learned. You can make the best out of this platform by searching for specific topics and creating tests. Learners and parents who are looking for tech-savvy ideas should make use of this educational platform. 

10 Educational Toys For 2 Year Olds You Should Have At Home

We were all toddlers at some stage of our lives and we definitely understand what playing with toys meant during those early days. In the same way, our little kids also need to spend most of their time playing. Therefore buying your 2 or even 5 year old toddlers a toy means a lot to them. Offering an educational toy to your kids gives them the double benefit of learning seamlessly. These toddlers need to be engaged in learning even as they play and you can easily do that by getting them the right educational toys. This guide provides you with a wide range of educational toys you can get for your little ones.

1. Bath Letters and Numbers with Bath Toy Organizer 

This is a kind of toy with 36 sets of letters written in different colors and packed in a mesh bag. This helps kids to master different numbers and letters on the toy as they play. This also makes it easy for them to remember every number or letter they learned. With this kind of knowledge, your kid will be able to correctly count numbers in the right order, hence making it easy for them to recognize letters / numbers even when they are in school. In addition, the letters in this toy are in different colors and this makes it easy for kids to master different colors.

2. Doctor Kit Pretend Play Set 

The little doctor kit has ten different pieces in it including a stethoscope, thermometer, mirror for the mouth, scalpel among others. This enables toddlers to develop a positive mind about becoming a doctor in the future as well as gain a little knowledge of some of the equipments used by doctors.

3. Engineering Construction Toy Set 

Practice makes perfect and the more you equip your kid with educational toys the more you help them develop an interest in the choice of certain careers in the future. This engineering kit consists of all sorts of machines that are used for engineering purposes and this could probably help your kids develop a passion for engineering.

4. Skoolzy Peg Board Set 

This is one of the best education toys for a kid as it enables them know how to count and recognize numbers even at their tender age. In addition, these toys are designed with different colors to enable the little kids learn about the different colors.

5. LeapFrog My Own Laptop 

This is a toddler laptop that will help kids have an idea of how a laptop looks like and even have some knowledge on how to operate it. The toy also has some music and game features which could also be educative for kids. This toy is also designed with letters, which makes it easy to gain knowledge on various letters even at their tender age.

6. VTech Touch and Teach Word Book 

This is a kind of electronic playing book with 12 touch sensitive pages that enables kids to learn how to read. It consists of more than 100 words that a kid can learn and over time master reading.

7. Yoovi Montessori Learn to Dress Owl Plush Toys 

This is a type of toy made up of different colorful owls that enables a kid to know how to dress themselves up and an idea on how to match different colors. It teachers a kid how to knot a tie, button up their shirts, zip up either their trousers, jackets or shots.

8. Teach My Toddler Learning Kit 

It is an educational toy that helps a kid to know the alphabet, numbers and the order in which they follow one another. Furthermore, it helps kids to learn different shapes and their colors.

9. Little Tikes 3-in-1 Sports Zone Baby Infant Toy 

Your kid who may in future be an athlete is able to play different games with this toy. There are gaming features in this toy and they can learn how to play different games such as basketball and/or soccer. Different shapes and colors are also designed in this toy.

10. Melissa & Doug Self-Correcting Alphabet Wooden Puzzles 

This amazing toy has different colored pictures that are labelled A,B,C,D's. This helps kids to know how to pronounce all letters correctly. It also helps kids to gain knowledge on different colors.

Conclusively, do not just let your kid have a toy only for the purpose of playing but instead get them an educative toy that may instill some knowledge in them. The future of a kid may also be determined by how they spent their time in their early ages and it thus important that you get them into the right path early on. Get your kids toys that can help them learn even as they play and also develop an interest in what they would like to be in the future.

10 Things Every New Teacher Should Know

Getting your first job is a life-changing experience for everybody. For most newcomers, the first days at a job are challenging, given that you have to familiarize yourself with other colleagues and the new work environment. With teaching comes the extra baggage of familiarizing yourself not only with new colleagues but also several students with different personalities. For a teacher just starting their career, the task is much complicated. Making a good first impression and getting your classroom management strategy in place from day one will define the outlook of the rest of the year.

Meeting a whole new group of students can be a frightening experience, especially bearing in mind that each student does have his or her own strengths and weaknesses. Nonetheless, this shouldn’t intimidate you. Every successful professional teacher was once in your shoes. You should, therefore, take things easy and be yourself.

To help you handle this situation better, here are ten things that every new teacher should know. 

1. Be Organized 

Just before you begin your first class, make sure that everything is well organized. This will give you room to share ideas and knowledge systematically. Remember, being a new teacher, all eyes will be on you. You should, therefore, be at your best during your first class. 

It is essential if you organize your notes, files, cabinets, drawers, and anything that you might need to use in a classroom. Being organized keeps you motivated throughout your class.

2. Wear Comfy Clothing and Shoes 

Unlike other professions, being a teacher requires you to be as comfortable as possible. This is because teaching requires lots of movements. You will have to walk around the class, and also along academic corridors. Therefore, make sure that you make a wardrobe change. Don’t forget to invest in several pairs of comfy shoes. Being on your feet all day long is no joke.

3. Yelling is Off The Table 

At times, students can be quite mischievous to a new teacher. But, be an adult and a professional. Never let them get to you. If any problems or disagreements arise, never yell at them. It is best if you have a one on one talk and clear out any differences.

4. Create A Routine and Stick to It 

A routine can significantly help you adapt to a new environment. A routine will help you know what you are supposed to do and when to do it. It will also make it easier for your students to catch up to things. Later on, when you get the hang of things, don’t switch off the routine. Make sure that you stick to it at all times.

5. Patience Pays 

Irrespective of the level of students you are teaching, you have to be patient when teaching them new concepts. It is normal for students to be totally clueless when you introduce something new to them. Therefore, don’t expect them to grasp everything in five minutes or so. 

6. Rest Is Important 

Most new teachers tend to overwork themselves, but this should never be the case. Resting is very important. It will keep you sharp and active throughout all your lessons. Don’t be the kind of teacher who is always taking naps in between breaks. 

7. Socialize with Other Teachers 

There’s always that tension between a new teacher and the rest of the staff. But, through socializing, you will be able to get rid of that tension as fast as possible. You will be surprised at the number of things you can learn from fellow teachers. 

8. It’s Okay to Make A Mistake 

Teachers are also human beings. Don’t be too hard on yourself during your first days. Expect to make lots of mistakes that you will learn from. Don’t be over cautious. Be free and do things the way you see best. 

9. Be Yourself 

Imitating your former favorite high school teacher won’t make you a professional. You need to be your own person. Express your thoughts in ways that you think students will understand easily. Over time, your students will learn to appreciate who you are, with your strengths and weaknesses. 

10. Know that Students also Have Their Opinions 

There is nothing that makes teaching fun than having an interactive session. This is why you should understand that students also have their opinions. As a teacher, you should respect these opinions and acknowledge them. 

Don’t be afraid of how your first day in a classroom will turn out to be. With the above tips, you will be in total control. Don’t forget that teaching can also be fun, provided you limit it to a professional level. 

Cell Organelles and their functions in cells


Cell organelles are specialized structures that act like a digestive system which takes in nutrients, break them down and creates rich molecules for the cell. The specialized/organized structures help turn the energy we take as food into energy that cell can use. The biochemical activity of the cell is known as cellular respiration. The organized structures are the working organelles that keep the cell full of energy. These structures are also known as powerhouse. 

They are present in nearly all human cell and are important for human existence. These structures produce most of our adenosine triphosphate (ATP), which is like the energy currency of the cell. These structures form constituency of eukaryotic cells.

Each cell contains different number of these organized structures. The numbers present depends on how much the cell needs energy. Those that need a lot of energy like thew cell contains a lot, but those that don’t need a lot of energy contain very little. These Microorganisms have the ability to produce more cell organelle as needed and also combine them to make large cell organelle.

Function of Cell organelle 

1. Energy production. cell organelle converts the food we eat into energy form that cell can use. This activity is known as oxidative phosphorylation. cell organelle is the only place oxygen is reduced and eventually broken into water. 

2. Cell death; cell organelle helps to decide which micro-organisms are destroyed, as the micro-organismsbecome old or broken then destroyed and cleared away. Cell death is an essential in life, it’s also known as apoptosis. cell organelle produces cytochrome C, which activate caspase one of the catalysts in wrecking micro-organisms during apoptosis. 

3. Storing Calcium; this ingredient is important in a number of cellular processes like fertilization, blood clotting, thew function and many others. Therefore its critical making it tightly regulated. cell organelle plays a major role in absorption of the above ingredients particles and storing them until when needed. These work very closely with endoplasmic reticulum to limit the amount of the above ingredient in cytosol. 

4. Heat production; in the course of nucleon leak, cell organelle can produce high temperature. Its one of theway the body generates heat by using brownish-yellow tissues, which are found in babies, who have the highest level of it and slowly reduces as they age. 

Structure of Cell organelle 

Cell organelles are small, regularly between 0.75 and 3 micrometer, not visible under microscope unless and are stained. Cell organelles are a small structure within a cell and are made up of two parts; the membrane and the matrix. 

They have two membranes an outer one and an inner one which have different functions. cell organelle is split into different regions which include; 

Outer membrane 

This outer portion include protein known as porins, which forms channels that allows protein to pass through. It also host a number of enzymes. Small molecules can pass through the outer membrane. 

Intermembrane space 

This is the area between the inner and outer membrane 

Inner membrane 

This is where proteins are held. There is no porins in the membrane, therefore, it’s impermeable to most mole. The Inner membrane 

is where most ATP are created. 


These are folds of the inner membrane. Cristae increase the surface area of the membrane hence, increasing the space available for chemical reaction. 


This is the space within the inner membrane. It contains hundreds of catalysts and it’s important in production of ATP. cell organelle DNA is housed here. 


They control concentration of particles in cell organelle. Granules contain ribosome which produce protein used by cell organelle. 

Cell organelle are constantly dividing (fission) and bonding (fusion) though oval in shape. Organelles are linked together in every changing network. In sperm cells, cell organelle are spiraled and in mid-piece to provide energy for tail motion. 

The DNA within cell organelle is more susceptible to damage than any related genome, because free radical, which cause damage in DNA are produced when carrying out ATP synthesis. 

Majority of cell organelle disease are due to mutation in nuclear DNA that affect products that end up in cell organelle. The mutation can either be inherited or spontaneous. 

When cell organelle stop functioning, their storage starved of energy. As a general rule micro-organisms that need the highest amount of energy such as the cardiac muscle are affected the most by malfunctioning cell organelle. 

Where Proteins are Made

Many people wonder about the human body and how it works. Here is some information about how protein is made in the cell and a way to understand it in simple terms. 

 Proteins are a series of complex molecules. They are needed by the body in a number of ways. The proteins are needed by the cells to help give them a structure, help with the functions of the cell, and assist with the building of tissues in the body as well as the tissues in the organs. Proteins are made up of units called amino acids. These acids form in a long chain . With this chain, they are able to be attached together. Each contains has 20 amino acids. They can be arranged in a number of different ways and combinations to form the proteins. The arrangement of the amino acids will help determine the structure that the protein. This will also help determine the function that the protein is going to be performed in the body. Different proteins will perform different functions. 

 Proteins are made in the ribosome of the cell. The ribosome is a string of amino acids that are formed together. They are able to use these amino acids to make the proteins. Amino acids work with the mRNA (the messenger ribonucleic acids) and the tRNA( transfer ribonucleic acid) to help make the proteins so the body can use them. 

 In the ribosome, there are two different places where the protein can be made. Protein can be made freely in the cytoplasm and in this case, it would be a soluble protein. Protein can also be made in the endoplasmic reticulum. In order for the protein to be made in the endoplasmic reticulum, a small amount of protein needs to be transferred to this area from the cytoplasm. The proteins that are being made in the cytoplasm are designed to be released from the cell. They will be released into the plasma membrane or they can be released to the Golgi complex. Some of the proteins may end up staying in the cytoplasm. 

 The mRNA is produced in the nucleus of the cell. It is able to mix with the other units in the ribosome. The tRNA is able to link up with the amino acids that are found in the cell. This mRNA will tell the cell how to create each of the amino acids and the tRNA will help to transfer the items that are needed to make these acids. Once this happens the ribosome is able to remove one of the amino acids. This will then be done over and over again with the code for the new proteins and recreation based off of this one amino acid that can be duplicated. Proteins are made of the chains or residue from the amino acids. 

 There are different types of proteins that are formed in the body and each protein has a specific job. Proteins can be used to form antibodies. These will help the body recognize a virus and harmful bacteria. They will help the body fight them off and keep a person from getting sick. 

 Proteins can also be used to make enzymes. Enzymes will help carry out chemical reactions that happen within a cell. There are several hundreds of chemical reactions that can take place and the enzymes help with all of them. Proteins will also help the body make new molecules. It will use the information that is found in the DNA for this reproduction. 

 There are messenger proteins that are also found in the body. These proteins help make hormones and will help the biological process coordination happen between cells of the body and the issues of the organs. Proteins are also needed for the growth hormone to make sure that the body continues to grow and develop. 

 An important job of the proteins is to transport small molecules and other information including atoms in the cells. This will help send messages around the body. 

 Proteins are made in the ribosome of the cells and they can perform a number of function. The body can continue to replicate the production of the proteins and they can be used to help the body stay healthy. 

What is the function of chloroplast ?

Chloroplasts in a cell are the sites where photosynthesis takes place. These sites are however not found in all cells of a body but rather only in the photosynthetic cells such as algae and plant cells. Therefore, you cannot find such cells in bacterial or animal cells. 

Structuring of the chloroplasts 

Those chloroplasts which are featured in higher plants generally are planoconvex or biconvex shaped. Chloroplasts as well can be located in the mesophyll of a cell which is found in the leaves of a plant. For different plants, the shapes of the mitochondria are also different varying from ovoid or discoid to saucer-shaped filamentous shape to spheroid shape. The center of chloroplast is colorless and chloroplasts are vesicular. Some of these sites are structured in such a way that they look like a club whereby the middle zone is thin with ends full of chlorophyll. For algae, the chloroplast is one large site which resembles a stellate plate or rather a spiral band, a network plate. Same cell type has the same number of chloroplast but sizes vary with different plant species. 

Function of chloroplast

The chloroplast has various functions and such include: 

Chloroplast absorbs light energy then converts that energy to biological form of energy. The chloroplasts are important organelles in plant cells as it that allows for process of photosynthesis to happen. Some protists such as algae also have chloroplasts. Each chloroplast contains chlorophyll, which is a green coloring matter, which converts absorbed light energy from sun to chemical energy which can form sugars such as glucose. This is how food is produced in green plants. Therefore, animal cells do not have chloroplast as they obtain food and nutrients from plants. 

The function of chloroplasts which is photosynthesis is divided into two reaction, that is the light and dark reactions. Light reactions occur on thylakoid membranes. These membranes absorb light energy and store it as chemical energy in NADPH form, a form of NADP+ and ATP. This ATP forms that energy used to support dark reactions. That energy is then stored in H+ protons and used later to produce energy in ATP form. Two protein complexes are involved in photosynthesis and they are referred to as photosystems. Therefore, those two photosystems capture light energy and use it to energize those electrons obtained from water and then release energy in those electron transport chain for the mitochondrion. 

Hydrogen ions are then pumped by energy of from electrons obtained from water. A concentration gradient would be created, meaning there would be more hydrogen ions inside thylakoid membrane than in stroma. The hydrogen ions would then go back to stroma against cconcentration gradient through ATP synthase which produces ATP. Since that first photosystem reenergizes depleted electrons from photosystem II which photolyzes water to obtain and energize new electrons. This means that photosystem II occurs first followed by photosystem I. ATP which is needed for the dark reactions is hence produced inside the stroma through a process as well referred to as Calvin cycle. This process is a series of reactions which fix carbon dioxide into Glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate molecules. This reaction uses energy and electrons from ATP and NADPH respectively produced in light reactions. Ironically, in most plants, these processes occur daytime despite being called dark reactions. 

The first enzyme which is used in Calvin cycle is called RuBisCO and it is used for fixing CO2 into five-carbon Ribulose bisphosphate (RuBP) molecules to form 3-phosphoglyceric acid. 3-phosphoglyceric acid is then converted to glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate using ATP and NADPH. Most of glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate molecules are taken back into RuBP to produce more ATP molecules, but one usually leaves that cycle. 

Glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate molecules can combine to form larger sugar molecules called monomers like glucose, galactose, and fructose. These single sugar molecules can also double up to form disaccharides like maltose, sucrose, and lactose. More than two to six monomers combined form oligosaccharides. More than six to a thousand monomers together form polysaccharides such as cellulose and starch. Therefore, this is how food is formed. Carbohydrates are essential for anybody as they are energy-givers, thus it is essential to know how they are formed. Chloroplasts are very vital organelles more so when we are taking about the good health of plants. 

What is mitochondria?

Mitochondria are the plural of mitochondrion. A mitochondrion is a cell organelle found in eukaryotic organisms. The name mitochondrion comes from the Greek word Mitos which means, thread and Chondrion which means granule It has a double membrane and is responsible for the supply of the Adenosine Triphosphate that is used as a chemical energy source. The energy is a result of transformation of the proteins, fats and sugars. 

Mitochondria can be defined as the powerhouse a cell depends on. These are small kind of structures found inside the cell and are composed of a matrix and two membranes. The matrix is responsible for holding some fluid while the membranes allow occurrence of chemical reactions. Mitochondria form part of the eukaryotic cells. Majorly, the mitochondria in a cell are responsible of performing cellular respiration. What this means is that the powerhouse takes nutrients from that cell then breaks those nutrients down so as to produce energy. That energy is all what a cell needs so as to run its normal functions. 

Different cells contain varied numbers of the mitochondria. This number is determined by the much energy that given cell mainly requires. If a cell needs more energy, it will definitely have more of the mitochondria. The cell is able to produce additional mitochondria if it needs more of them. As well, a cell can combine various mitochondria so as to come up with larger mitochondria. 

Functions Of Mitochondria 

Mitochondria generate Adenosine Triphosphate which is used as a chemical energy source. Energy is important for any organism to carry out its functions. This means that mitochondria are very important in the body since they provide around 90% of the energy that is required by the body. 

Other functions of mitochondria include breaking down the harmful waste products to less harmful substances, producing chemicals that the body needs and also the recycling of some waste products. They also help in death of cells. This process is also known as apoptosis. Apoptosis is crucial for both growth and development to take place. The death of some cells ensures that cells do not replicate uncontrollably leading to cancers. This means that mitochondria are targets of the anti-cancer drugs. To convert the food substances to energy, mitochondria require oxygen, in a process called oxidative phosphorylation.

Mitochondria are seen as the cell’s powerhouse. They are different in number according to the needs of the cells. These needs are established by the cell type, tissue and the organism itself. Cells that require more energy have a higher concentration of mitochondria than those that require less energy. Mitochondria can replicate to be adequate when needed by a particular cell. On top of this, they can join together to form one big mitochondria to cater for this same energy requirements. 

Outer Membrane 

The mitochondrion contains both inner and outer membranes which are made of a protein layer sandwiched between two phospholipid layers. It also contains porins. The outer membrane’s task is to enclose the entire to avoid cell death. This occurs when the contents spill outside the cell which causes death of the cell. The inner membrane contains plenty of enzymes that help in conversion of foods intro adenosine triphosphate. 

Inner Membrane 

The inner membrane encloses the proteins in the cell. It is also permeable unlike the external layer. It is a highly impermeable membrane thus molecules require a special kind of transportation to get past it. The inner membrane has folding that are called cristae, which enhance its surface area. 


The space enclosed by the inner membrane is the matrix. It aids in the production of the adenosine triphosphate. It contains plenty of enzymes that yield in conversion of fatty acids as well as pyruvate. The mitochondria can manufacture their own proteins. 

The Cristae 

These are the folding made by the inner membrane. They are many thus increasing surface area for energy productions. They make the inner membrane even five times larger than the outer membrane in some cells.

The mitochondrion is a very crucial organelle without which the human cell cannot survive. They are inherited from the egg that forms the zygote. This means that only the maternal parent contributes to the mitochondria that later replicate as your body grows.

What does Chloroplast do for Plants?

Plant life is very important to our world. Without plants there would be no air, no food and no homes for many plant species. Plants do so much for our world. So, it’s very important that we understand what they are and what they do. One way that we can understand plants is by knowing how they function. This is why we should learn about chloroplast. Keep in mind that chloroplast is not only found in plant life but in algae as well. Keep reading to discover what chloroplast is and how it helps plants to grow and thrive. 

How do plants make food? 

Plants make their own food from the sun through the process of photosynthesis. However, they need certain things to make their own food. Plants must have chlorophyll, light, carbon dioxide, water and nutrients. The chlorophyll is a green pigment in plants. Chlorophyll traps the sunlight’s energy. It then combines the element such as carbon dioxide, water and nutrients into a food substance for plants to consume. This process is called photosynthesis and chlorophyll is critical to this process. 

Chloroplasts are also a part of the photosynthesis process. They are organelles that are contained within the plant’s cells. Chloroplast are important for absorbing sunlight and they also play a role with transforming the elements of water and carbon dioxide into food. 

What is the difference between chloroplast and chlorophyll? 

Chlorophyll is just a green substance that is found in plants. Once again, it is needed to trap the sunlight so that photosynthesis can take place. Chloroplast is a plant organelle which is a specialized part of a cell. In the case of a plant, the organelle known as chloroplast is where the photosynthesis process takes place. The chloroplast contains the chlorophyll that is needed to make the photosynthesis process work. The chloroplast is also a membrane. 

Do humans and animals have chloroplasts? 

No, humans or animals do not have chloroplasts. That is because humans and animals do not need direct sunlight to make food. Instead, they ingest or consume their food from other sources. Most plants just don’t consume other organisms for food. However, there are exceptions to this rule. Some plant species do digest other living things such as insects. Still, these organisms need the photosynthesis process to make food as well. 

What are the functions of chloroplast? 

We already discovered that chloroplasts are the food producers for plant life. Now, we’ll take a look at how these organelles perform other functions that are important to the life of plants. Chloroplast make metabolic energy. They also are developed through the process of endosymbiosis. They even have their genetic systems and they produce themselves through the procedure of cell division. 

Chloroplasts also have the ability to synthesize amino acids, fatty acids and lipid components. They typically do this inside of their membrane as well. This organelle also converts nitrite into ammonia for the purpose of including nitrogen into organic compounds that the plant can use. 

Chloroplast doesn’t just make food for plants it also creates oxygen. As you all know, humans, animals and other types of creatures on the planet need oxygen to live. During photosynthesis carbon dioxide is taken in through chloroplast controlled photosynthetic processes. Once the process is complete, one of the waste materials from this procedure is oxygen. 

Oxygen is actually produced through the chemical reaction when the photosynthesis process takes place. It leaves a plant through its leaves and its then circulated into the air. Keep in mind that plants will grow very well when they have lots of sunlight, water and good soil. These elements are essential to growing lots of food or even super-sized crops. 

Chloroplasts also have the ability to move around a leaf to align themselves with the direction of the sun. Have you ever noticed how plants will usually grow or “move” toward the direction of the sun? Part of this movement happens because chloroplasts are trying to get the best position to take in the most sun. 

Remember, the more light that a plant receives, the more food it can create. So, it is not unusual to see plants repositioning themselves for more light. The chloroplast makes sure that this happens. In closing, chloroplast is an important part of a plant’s system that allows this life form to grow and thrive within its environment. 

What does the Cell Wall Do?

Cells are an important part of any living being. These biological units are small building blocks that allows organic and living matter to exist. Animals, plants, insects, bacteria, fungi and human beings could not exist without cells. Even single-celled microorganisms have a cellular structure. Cells are also made up of macroscopic organisms and they help to form larger systems that make up a living being. Cell walls are also an important part of a cell’s structure for some beings. Keep reading so you can learn about cell walls, what they do and how they function

Most Living Creatures have Cell Walls 

You might have figured this out already, but plants and human cells are different from each other. However, both cell types have a lot in common. Both types have plenty of similarities such as having a nucleus, golgi and various organelles. However, plant cells have cell walls. Human cells don’t have this feature. You can look directly at plant matter to get an idea about how their cell walls look. As a matter of fact, a plant’s cell wall gives its shape and form. It helps a plant to look distinctively different from humans, animals and other creatures within its environment. By the way, plants aren’t the only beings with a cell wall. Other creatures such as fungi, bacteria and protists also have a cell wall. 

Why do plants and most other organisms have a cell wall and not humans or animals? 

The main purpose of a cell wall is to hold the inside systems of a plant or microorganism together. Remember that most living beings do not have a skeleton like people and animals. As a result, they need a cell wall to keep their inside parts from spilling out everywhere. Humans and animals have cell membranes and a skeleton that is used for this purpose. 

Plant cell walls are very common since plant life is all around us. For the sake of keeping things simple we’ll focus on plant cell walls as an example about how they work. Cell walls are made up of substances such as cellulose which are strong fibers. These are commonly used for plants. Bacterial cell walls are made up of peptidoglycan. This strange sounding substance consist of sugar and amino acids. Chitin, proteins and glucan make up the cell walls for fungi. 

There are three parts of a plant’s cell wall and they include middle lamella, the primary cell wall and the secondary cell wall. Most plant cells contain the primary cell wall and the middle lamella. However, not all of them have a secondary cell wall. Just so you will know, the middle lamella is the outer most part of a cell wall. Its purpose is to help cell walls to bind together. The primary cell wall provides the strength and flexibility that a cell wall needs to grow. The secondary cell wall prevents the protective cell wall from over expanding. These three parts of a cell wall help plants to keep their shape and identity within the environment. Other organisms with cell walls don’t have three layers like plants but their walls are just as useful. 

What are the functions of the cell wall? 

The cell wall has many different functions. Regardless of the living organism, a cell wall controls the direction of a cell’s growth. Using plants once again as the example, they help vegetation to withstand pressure from its inner growing parts. As the inner parts grow, they push against the cell wall. Once again, a cell wall keeps a plant’s inside from spilling from outside of the organism. An organism’s cell wall also controls when a cell divides and grows. This is an important function that determines how big an organism will be and what the type of form it will have once its fully grown. 

Cell walls also strongly regulate what will and won’t get into the plant. Cell walls are usually porous. They prevent certain things from getting into a plant and they also keep out other substances as well. Cell walls also allow for communication between a plant’s cells. The wall carries signals from one part of the organism to the next. This allows one part of an organism’s cell to talk to another part of a plant’s system. Viruses and pathogens are also contained by a cell wall. Nutrients and other substances are also contained within this area of the plant. Ultimately, cell walls ensure that certain living creatures can grow and carry out normal life functions that keep organism healthy, alive and thriving.

Article focus: what does cell all do ? | Functions of the cell wall.