Why is Montessori education not good for your child?
Montessori education is a challenging system that was developed in 1907 by Dr. Maria Montessori, who was an Italian physician. She believed that children learn best by their interest. Surprisingly, this form of education has been used in various parts of the world for more than 100 years. Some parents prefer this education method because their children are taught individually, grouped according to their ages, and learn based on a more practical approach. However, this educational method may not be good enough for your child due to the following reasons:

Children have too much freedom
Montessori education believes that discipline is not instilled in a child by the teacher, but it comes from the child himself. As a result, children are allowed to learn anything at any time they feel like. This may affect them in places where rules and regulations are strictly followed. Besides, most children are between the ages 1 to 14, at this age group, most of them are not self-driven and cannot make well-informed decisions with their life.
Too much individualism
Each child learns individually whereby a child has one-on-one interaction with his/her teacher and works on his/her own. Typically, this may make your child to develop poor social skills, unable to co-operate well in teamwork, especially at the workplace in the future. As a result, your child may become an introvert due to lack of socialization. Besides, hyper-social or hyperactive children may find it hard to work individually.
Your child may find it hard to adapt to other forms of education
Generally, this may be because of the vast differences between Montessori school and traditional schools. Your child may find it hard to adapt to many things such as doing tests, learning obligatory subjects, strictly following school rules, doing teamwork projects, socializing with others, and many other activities. In some cases, your child may also develop some emotional or mental trauma due to the huge change.
You cannot easily know your child’s progress
Montessori schools focus more on a practical approach while traditional schools are more test oriented. One cannot easily identify if your child is at-pack with other children unlike in traditional schools where if a child is a slow learner, the tests will show and special attention given to the child.
It is expensive
Most Montessori schools are hardly cheap because they spend a lot of money in purchasing high-quality learning materials, employing high skilled teachers, utilizing one-to-one teaching methods, and they also use of a lot of furniture in setting up a classroom.
There is no structured syllabus
Montessori education is based on a child's learning path, and as a result, a majority of students may not have interest in learning essential subjects (for example, Mathematics) which is very important in their future studies. Consequently, they may not be well prepared for their desired career journey.
The takeaway
Despite this education being highly regarded, Montessori education does not prepare your child to survive in the real world. Basically, it’s essential that our children get the education that best suits them and one that will help them find success in life. This puts Montessori education at a disadvantage because it emphasizes on working individually while the real world involves working together as a team.