Why is integration of arts in education important for kids
In recent years, many schools are abandoning the fine arts in favor of sciences. This trend stems from society's dictates that tend to prioritize sciences over everything else. As parents, we tend to flow with such trends hoping they stay the same in future, so that children are guaranteed of a good job. Today, subjects like music, dance, theater, sculpture, painting, and drawing are not popular anymore. However, arts integration in education is crucial to creating well-prepared, well-rounded learners and leaders. The complexity of today's world and the beauty the blend of arts and science creates through outstanding innovations warrants that we pay more attention to it.

Every young person deserves a competitive and complete education involving the arts. In America, the culture of innovation, entrepreneurship and global structure depend on a competitive world-class education. Research has revealed that sufficient participation in arts helps children with the development of other important skills like language and motor skills. Our big question therefore remains unanswered; why is integration of arts in education important for kids yet most institutions are abandoning it ?
Enhances creativity
The arts allow our kids to express themselves well if compared to math and science. Arts of education improves creativity and with this popular skill, our children are able to make good decisions. For example, students who study arts show greater adaptability and flexibility when it comes to creative thinking. Just imagine a kid creating an original artwork! This reflects the kid’s creativity. Moreover, arts classes provide a suitable environment for fostering creativity.
Children Learn Positive Behaviors, Attitudes and Habits
The arts have been proven to boost not only culture but also behavior among students. When there is an integration of arts in the curriculum, negative behaviors tend to be eliminated. Painting, learning a musical instrument, singing and dancing are very crucial for children's growth and well being. These positive habits are vital for success in future.
Arts Education Improves Student Engagement
All components of the arts are essential. Music has immediate rewards, positive achievements, fosters collaboration and develops concrete products. It offers many opportunities for kids to demonstrate their skills and abilities through authentic performance. In the arts program, students learn how to think positively about themselves. Also, it encourages participation in the class. Teaching an artistic discipline to young children some times requires them to work in groups towards the same project. This improves students engagement.
It Sharpens Critical thinking Skills
With arts, students are able to improve their level of thinking. This method can guide them when they're learning other academic disciplines. Additionally, they’re able to understand and cope with life outside the school. Most importantly, it helps them to learn, observe, interpret, analyze and synthesize different perspectives. When it comes to decision making, they’re able to make good choices. Remember that critical thinking skills are key to lifelong learning and college readiness.
Kids Practice Teamwork
Teamwork among students is crucial when it comes to their performance. It allows students to share their experiences. This makes them better appreciate what they feel about their education. Teamwork leads to collaboration, harmony and problem solving in the classroom. It is through this that children realize how teamwork improves and contributes to great performances.
Students should be encouraged to become more involved in the arts. This will help them with the development of positive behaviors. It will also enhance their intellectual skills, good decision making, creativity and teamwork.