What to do when your child refuses to do homework
Many students don’t like doing homework and keep on postponing. It may be due to the complexity of the educational system or the vastness of the study books and the amount of homework thrust upon students. As a result, many students procrastinate on their homework and try to drag it as much as possible hence end up not doing it. Both teachers and parents find this type of attitude from kids irksome and unhealthy and always want to do something to correct the situation.

It is your duty as a parent to ensure your kids do their homework without procrastinating. Parents can follow the methods mentioned below to wipe out procrastination in their kids and help them in the successful completion of their homework.
Setting a schedule
If parents set a regular schedule for homework and instruct their kids to follow it, they ease their work, and children also make it a habit to sit for their work at a particular hour at home. It becomes an everyday routine and once they get used to this routine, kids do not move out of it whatever the circumstances.
Enforce doing homework positively
Instead of punishing children for postponing doing their homework, it is advisable to follow methods which impose a positive outlook on children about homework. They can give out small incentives to children after they complete their homework. You can allow your kids to watch TV or play a game, if they are through their work on or before time. Such positive encouragement will make kids have more enthusiasm during homework hours.
Parents as models
If parents do some useful educational activity when kids work at home, they will find it peaceful and inviting to do their work. Furthermore, parents can set a regular pattern of work for them to do during homework hours. Kids will follow their parents and sit for their work while parents do their job.
Avoiding distractions
Children need a conducive environment for doing homework. A noisy environment deviates kids from their homework. Hence, parents should avoid chatting with others, watching TV, using phones, or indulging in any of such activity which will distract kids and dissuade them from their work. Instead, they can wait patiently until the kids complete their work and they can enjoy watching or listening to music together.
Make your kids accept their mistakes
Many children stall their homework out of fear, thinking that they will not be able to do well and complete the task. Once parents understand that the children can be afraid of their mistakes, they can encourage them to accept mistakes and appreciate the fact that errors are better than not doing their work. With time, students rectify their errors and carry on with their homework without hassle.
Homework has turned out to be a chore nowadays due to the complexity of the educational process. Parents can avoid this syndrome through regular schedules, positive enforcement, encouraging kids to accept mistakes and setting themselves as models for doing work before kids.