Telling time at a quarter to and past | Math free game

The mastery of the skill of telling time helps kids to become more independent as they get older. Telling time may be a skill people got to sleep in any society. Children also got to learn to inform time on an analog clock dial. During this game, kids will review and practice the essential math skill of telling time to the quarter-hour.

This game reviews the terms quarter to, quarter past, half past, times like 5:45, 1:15 and sometimes the scholars are asked to settle on two correct answers. This game may be a time reading skill that intersects with a basic knowledge of telling time and fractions. On the subsequent screen, two kittens are engaged in an exciting race to ascertain who can win. When the right answer(s) are given the one kitten will gain. If a solution is wrong, the opposite kitten will gain. The good kitten is going to win if more correct answers are given.