Subtraction with carrying game | Monkey race math game

Basic addition and subtraction math skills are taken to a whole different level when students begin to use regrouping at the top of 2nd grade and beginning of 3rd grade. Students use the talents of place value and moving from the hundreds place to the tens place when regrouping so as to subtract with renaming tens and hundreds. During this game, students are given several standard algorithm problems to unravel, all with a 2-minute deadline.

Students are ready to use scratchpad so as to seek out the right answer. But take care, out of 4 multiple choices, there is a minimum of two choices that are on the brink of the right one!

There also are two problems written horizontally and students will get to rewrite those problems vertically so as to unravel. On the subsequent screens after each algorithm a monkey on an island. If the player answers the issues correctly, the monkey will obtain a banana or a coconut, if the solution is wrong, the monkey digs up a shoe. The thing is to urge as many stars as possible. This game is great practice for learning centers and for older students also.