Subtraction of three digit numbers – wheel of fortune game

Do you want your learners to learn basic subtraction up to the expert level? We have developed a wheel of fortune game for this purpose. Here you have practice tests related to subtraction of three-digit numbers. You may learn and attempt the sums through test games, MCQ games. Different types of wheel spin games like interactive quizzes to get a full grasp of subtraction of three numerical digits. There are easy to complex problems following the math syllabus of K-7. Once you get higher grades at a level of the game, you are automatically upgraded to the next level. Here are the most common features of our game.

  • Basic and advanced concept of subtraction of three-digit numbers
  • Evaluation through wheel fortune game
  • With the spin of the wheel, you get digits to subtract
  • Easy operation of games
  • A treasure of math classroom assessment MCQs