Some fun ways to teach children first aid
Have you ever thought of the type of activities your kid may enjoy in your absence? Well, if you didn't know, this is the fact. Those kids at times indulge in rough games they play in your absence. It is not every time they do it in the presence of adults. It is safe to train your kids on first aid tips on the kind of potential accidents they may be involved in. They are kids you know! Unless you look for fun ways of teaching them, there is nothing they will ever learn in something as boring as first aid lessons. Some fun ways of doing it include the following:

1. Be a playing doctor
Kids learn best while in a relaxed state and in a fun environment than when they are closed into a learning atmosphere. The kind of games you play around with them should be educative. Play doctor is one of the common ways to teach your children first aid. While playing with them, act as a doctor. Real blood may scare them, so you can look for something that looks like blood. Create a situation of incidence of a fake wound and treat it as if it were real. There are a lot of things that you can do to demonstrate what happens during first aid. Just make the environment relaxed and lively.
2. Make a first aid kit accessible
Most families have a first aid kit but the problem is that the kit is far from the reach of children. Do not do this. Make it accessible and ensure that the kids know the purposes of each item in the kit. At times, allow children to play with the contents of the kit. I know they may misuse the contents especially the detergents and cream. Give room for this. Until they touch the kit for fun, they will never get closer to it even when they need to use it. Make sure you monitor their activity with the first aid kit since some contents should be kept out of the reach of children.
3. Make a priority list
Children are very impatient naturally. Some may not even sit and listen for more than ten minutes. This should not stop you from teaching them first aid tips. Definitely not. You can divide your lessons into very small subtopics and make a priority list on how you are going to handle the course. For instance, you can start with how to stop wounds from bleeding, as you go, proceed down to dealing with swellings. This way, your kid will not get bored with the training. Start with the exciting or intriguing stuff.
4. Choose your words carefully during the training
You can choose whichever form of lesson you want. As long as you handle them well, you will always come to the results you aspire for. What matters is the language you choose? The training should be free from threats in any form. Ensure that as you are training kids, you are not telling them that accidents will occur. Rather, you are only telling them that it might occur. In other words, do not scare them that they will come across accidents even the minor ones. This will bring fear to kids and will block them from understanding anything out of fear. Make it as relaxed as possible. You are training them not building fear in them!