Reasons Why Technology Should Not Be Used In the Classroom
Technological advancements have intensified over the past years leading to a significant transformation in various activities. This evolution has raised concerns over the inclusion of a technology approach in learning institutions. While some individuals deem technology as an essential resource in the learning process, an argument that seems to have a definite foundation, it is apparently facing several challenges.

Should technology be part of the classroom? If not, what are the reasons why technology should not be used in the classroom?
Well, here are some of the challenges associated with technology that hinders its integration into school setups.
1. Technology thwarts education quality
The essence of being in a classroom is to gain knowledge through a process that involves putting your mind through strenuous tests at times. For instance, mathematics is a subject involving calculations that some students tend to struggle to find solutions. However, gadgets such as computers might accommodate software offering solutions with nominal effort. Sometimes back, some types of advanced calculators raised concerns on whether they should be allowed into classrooms. It means that technology would jeopardize the level of knowledge students would gain by outwitting teachings. Some applications run by the gadgets are a trail for effortless solutions.
2. Technology is a form of interruption
Technological devices and the internet go hand in hand, forming a platform for connection on various internet-based outlets. Such outlets include messaging platforms, entertainment outlets, and social media. Introducing technology in classrooms would certainly mean allowing students to carry gadgets with them. Clearly, there could be narrow means of limiting students from accessing internet outlets while in class. Worse still, some students would be watching video clips, sending chat messages or other creepy internet activities.
Technology might hence lead to interruption of students while in an ongoing class session. It would be hard to control the usage of devices in such scenarios more so if the student owns them.
3. Causes social deprivation
Introduction of online classrooms, where the tutor attends to students virtually through connecting devices, is a significant transformation from the conventional system. Apart from never meeting their tutors, a student does not also get to interact with fellow students like in the case of a conventional system. Such students are deprived of social interaction processes such as making friends and sharing ideas, which is a crucial social stage in the growth process.
4. Too rapid transformation rate
Integration of technology in the learning system might necessitate establishment resources, mostly in monetary terms. Installation of gadgets, internet connection, and hiring of experts might be some of the activities requiring a starting capital. While some schools can accommodate such expenses, the pace might be too precipitous for some schools. Not only does the school need to catch up with the pace, but also the change might require significant input from the parents, which some may not afford. Therefore, even though there are benefits of such technology, it might be a little too expensive for all parties to accommodate.
Final thoughts
Even though technology is part of modern society, taking it to the classrooms might not be the best option. Whether students are familiar with it or not should not influence its incorporation in the learning process. We might have to stick to regular methods, maybe until suitable solutions emerge.