Reasons why cellphones are bad in school
Giving your school-going children cell phones have a pretty positive effect because they can get in touch with you during the day at any time. That being said, having a cell phone at school and especially in the classroom can present many problems. Cell phone technology has brought increased problems and distractions, which can impact significantly on children at a young age. It’s challenging to separate kids from their cell phones, but it might be for their good, especially during a school day. Here are five reasons why cell phones are bad in schools.

Cell phones bring distractions in classrooms
When a cell phone is in the hands of a school-aged child all day, notifications will continually go off. Some students get distracted throughout the day by cell phones without even realizing they are. Most of the time, students will play games on their cell phones and postpone doing their school work, which can lead to low performances in school.
Cell phones lead to cheating
A student can take advantage of the Internet capabilities of a cell phone not only to gain access to games and extraneous information that fully distract them from the tasks at hand but also to look for answers to questions for quizzes and tests for which they have not studied. Having a hand-held device with Internet connection might give students a chance to cheat discreetly, which means teachers will be forced to ask the students to surrender their phones before handing out a quiz or test sheet.
Cell phones encourage cyberbullying in schools
With the increasing number of social media platforms and the number of children using these applications, there are many people out there who are immature and utilize it to bully other people. So, if children are being bullied on social media or some people are being constantly rude to them, they will get distracted, and it will also take away most of their learning time.
On the other hand, their classmates can also be pretty vicious, especially with their online messages. Some students can be so immature, and instead of concentrating on their school work, they waste most of their time on social media where they create posts or text other students only to bully them. That is probably one of the common and worst distractions for a child since it can cause depression.
Cell phones lead to poor grades
If children are always on their cell phones at school, they will most likely do the same thing even at home. If they are distracted in school and not doing their school work, their homework is less likely to be done at home as well. Grades will constantly drop because the students are not doing their work. If cell phones are not allowed in schools, students can concentrate and get their work done while in school and this can lead to good performance in school.
Cell phones can lead to antisocial behavior
If students have cell phones, especially those with an Internet connection, they reduce and, at times, eliminate their need to communicate with their fellow students, teachers, and other staff during school days for group projects and any other school business. Instead of having a collaborative brainstorm with their classmates, for instance, a student with a phone might opt to consult their web browser for solutions or ideas to use in their class.
Most parents advocate for their children to have phones so that they can reach them in cases of emergency. However, for them to receive those emergency messages, they will not only have to leave their cell phones on, but they will also have to check their phones constantly to make sure they receive those messages which can be incredibly distracting.
School schedules make it pretty easy to locate a school-aged kid at any time during the day, which means an emergency message can get passed along with a little effort. In the nutshell, schools have a better way of facilitating emergency messages, so parents should call the school instead of the student to prevent distractions.