Reasons students should have a longer summer holiday
Like anyone else students also need a break from books for a while before resuming to the routine. Public and private schools have short summer holidays of about 3 months. It is important for students to have a longer summer holiday because of the following reasons;

Firstly, students will spend more quality time with family and friends. It is important for students to catch up with their family members and friends so as to have a healthy relationship with them. For this to happen, there is need of a good number of days after being in school for a while.
Secondly, long summer holidays help in reducing stress long accumulated stress in students. After going through stress of attaining good grades in class, a long summer holiday will be an ideal way of relieving some of that stress. It will help students to return to a normal mental state.
Thirdly, during holidays older students take part in part-time work to earn some money; therefore a long summer holiday is of benefit to such students who are learning to be independent. These jobs that they do during the holiday helps them with job experience even after school.
Fourthly, a longer summer holiday is good for kids to explore and try new things. Many kids go camping during the holiday; this is important for development even outside the classroom since they learn many new things.
Fifthly, during holiday some parents travel with their children to explore the world. Longer summer holiday can be beneficial for such long trips. It makes children to bond with their parents and also get enough time to enjoy a different environment and to learn new things that the world offers.
The sixthly reason why students should have longer summer holidays is to reduce chances of developing burnout. Much work in class with short holidays may result to burnout which may lead to poor performance in class and so it is only fair that the kids should have longer summer holidays to relax.
Seventh important reason for long summer breaks is it ensures that parents have a good time with their children as it helps in a child’s development. Children are taught life skills that are rarely taught by teachers in school. Therefore a long period will enable parents to notice any developing negative behavior in their children and try to correct before it gets out of hands.
Eighth reason is that during holidays, parents normally plan the family finance and school fees is taken care of ,therefore longer summer holiday will enable them to take their time in budgeting for the family and prepare the fees before the kids return to school.
Ninth reason why the students should have a longer summer holiday is because everyone enjoys leisure time especially kids and they should have quality time for leisure so that when they re-embark on books they get to focus more.
The final reason why longer summer holidays could be great is the fact that they lower the financial burden on schools. Reducing a month or more off the school year means less expense on teaching and school resources. This saves money both for institutions and parents.
Although having long summer holidays is still a debatable subject, it has it benefits which you have so far seen in this article.