Instructional strategies for emotionally disturbed students
Students' suffering from Emotional and Behavioral Disorder (EBD) in most cases, experience a negative perception of learning. Due to this reason, they lack motivation for classwork and desire for academic excellence. If the disorder is not addressed early and on time, it can easily lead to depression and total academically failure.
Below are some tips on instructional strategies for emotionally disturbed students every teacher can follow to help their students.

1. Use of guided notes
A tutor can prepare hand-outs which outline topic contents but leave blank spaces on key concepts, definitions, and facts. As the teacher teaches through, the learner fills through the blank spaces with the content taught. Guided notes help learners reduce notes taking, improve on understanding, and increase overall concentration in class.
2. Use Active Student Responding (ASR)
The next strategy is use of Active Student Responding. This approach gives a chance to students to stay alert and respond to questions. It also acts as an intermediate chance for a teacher to evaluate students' progress. ASR further makes the classroom environment conducive for learners, making them happier.
3. Use of Response cards
Response cards are the next instrumental strategy for fighting emotional distress in students. The approach involves the use of stock cards, where a teacher divides students into two groups and gives them cards. The two groups are named as per the color of the card. A teacher can decide to have green and red color cards or any other color that appeals best to students. Once students are divided, they challenge each other with questions, making the whole classroom active. As students engage each other, antisocial students get a chance to stay active.
4. Curriculum approach
Curriculum content approach is another effective way of helping students reduce emotional disorders. This entails the use of choral responses in reading aloud written materials on the blackboard or in books. As students read through, the teacher can monitor students’ participation. When students are learning together, everyone becomes part of the group, lowering boredom among emotionally disturbed students.
5. Use of clickers
Nowadays, schools are using clickers to make sure students remain active in the classroom as an instructional strategy for emotionally disturbed students. It involves instructing students to read questions aloud displayed on the screen of a smartphone / board as well as type their predicted answers to questions posted on the screen. Overall, students get a chance to improve their activeness in class as well as perfect their skills in the use of electronic devices.
6. Simple class rules
Lastly, class rules can help a lot in handling cases of emotionally disturbed students. A teacher needs to keep class rules simple and clear. Ethical class rules should not be over 5 in number and should be simple to understand. Simple class rules help students with EBD feel part of the class community and not offended by an aspect that would aggravate emotional disorders. Simple class rules can be like; try your best in the classroom always, respect others, be polite to others, and lastly we are all equal.
In conclusion, listed are among the best strategies to use in fighting emotional disturbances. Some policies might be flexible or non-flexible to students. As a teacher, you must adjust accordingly to fit students.