How to prepare a conducive environment for homeschooling your kids
'Back to school' is one of the sweet statements that parents would love to hear every day. This is the time most parents breathe with a sigh of relief, having reduced their responsibilities at home. Come on! Your child is not her teacher's responsibility. You got a role to play in preparing a conducive environment for homeschooling your child at home. Their education should continue even at home. Here are some simple ways of developing a conducive homeschooling environment at home:

1. Have a reading culture
At the early stages of schooling, children tend to imitate people around them. This is one passive yet effective way of teaching a reading culture to your child. When they see you reading, they tend to have a look at their own book. You must not be asking for extra classes in school for your kid. There are books which can keep you on track. Once you develop a reading culture in the family, your children will always read without any struggle.
2. Be organized
You can also minimize clutter if you want your children to study from home. Children tend to study in an organized environment, free from too many objects. You can give them a few books at a go and some toys. If you give them more than what they are supposed to use, they will get distracted. Avoid distraction as much as you can. Keep away what is not needed. Help a child to do one thing at a time.
3. Keep things within reach
Do not keep anything that the child should use in any learning activity out of their reach. Make your shelves child-friendly. Remember, once you have established a learning environment, make what is needed available since children will always study every time they feel like. Do not have a culture of locking everything, even the one which cannot harm them.
4. Let the child try
You got to shift from doing things for your child to doing things with your child. There is a lot your child needs to learn apart from schooling. She can even learn how to carry out basic chores in the house. Instead of doing things for her, do them with her. This is how to make use of the curiosity of children. You will be surprised how a child will get interested in learning even at home.
5. Unlock the inner teacher in you
Did you know that you have an inner teacher in you? Yes, you can unlock it. You should know you are the most experienced in handling the development of your child. There are a lot of courses you can take on early childhood development. Having such knowledge can help you to make a conducive environment for home-schooling based on the level of development of your child. You are a parent, but there is something in you that can help in teaching your child. The school teacher will never come home to create such an environment for your kids. It is you.
Homeschooling is becoming a trend among parents across the world. While it is a great way to go, it is important to create favorable conditions for it to occur. Remember a school is already structured to handle schooling activities. A home on the contrary is not. Yet there is a lot of cheap material available online and in stores which you can use to transform your home to a conducive learning environment for kids. Above are a few ways to go but we there are definitely more methods you can find in homeschooling Facebook groups.