How to increase the brain power of your child
The human brain has more than a hundred billion brain cells. Although the brain is relatively small it controls thinking processes, memory, learning emotions and other body functions. Intensive learning takes place in the early stages of our life. The brain of a child undergoes extensive fine-turning processes. While you can't predict the future of your child, you certainly play a pivotal role in harnessing your child’s potential from an early age.

How to increase the brain power of your child?
• Essential fatty acids
Essential fatty acids are necessary for promoting brain growth, development and maximum brain power. They also assist the ability of a child to learn new things and boost memory. Fatty acids are found in fish, nuts, seed oils, blue-green algae and eggs.
• Grains
Grains are Carbohydrates and the main source of energy for a child's brain. Don’t use highly refined carbohydrates that will cause drowsiness and interfere with the child’s blood sugar level. Check how a child’s concentration drops after consuming white flour products such as cakes, biscuits, donuts, white bread or any other high-sugar diet?
Even pasta, noodles or white rice can affect sugar concentration levels. The best sources of carbohydrates are from whole grains such as buckwheat, brown rice, oat, pumpkin, sweet potatoes and millet.
• Vegetables and Fruits
Nutrients like minerals and vitamins transform the body's building blocks into beneficial materials for the brain. Some of the best brain vitamins are vitamin B6, B12, vitamin C and folate.
Children deficiencies have been linked to lower brain functions. Using some minerals, such as magnesium, calcium, iron and zinc are also essential. Deficiencies can lead to poor memory and reduced concentration. These minerals and vitamins are found in fruits, fresh vegetables, beans, seeds, wholegrain and nuts. Hence, you should include a wide range of wholesome natural and fresh foods to your child's diet.
• Stimulating the Right Brain
You may be aware of the many functions of the right brain, but what may not know is how the right brain gets stimulated. It is best activated by visual images, high speeds and a stress-free mood. What does this mean for educators and parents? The answer is simple - we adapt our teaching processes to help our children get in touch with their 'genius brain'! It means that in the early years, we should be harnessing right-brain strategies to teach, even on subjects that are typically accessed by the left brain such as languages and mathematics.
• Teach Reading with Flashcards
If you are using flashcards to teach reading, start with words that are familiar and often used around the house; and progress from single words to couplets, phrases, sentences and finally books!
• Give your child enough breakfast.
Breakfast offers a child nutrients and the energy needed for the morning when school learning takes place.
• Enough drinking water
Ensure your child drinks enough water. A dehydrated mind is a foggy mind.
• Limit sweet foods
Stopping eating sweet foods will boost a child’s health hence improving the mind.
- Discuss and share the information about healthy food
When you discuss, share information about healthy food choices and nutrition. Convince your child to eat healthy foods. Set a good example as a parent by eating healthily.
Applying these strategies consistently over a long period of time have been reported by most parents to work for both kids and adults. Let us know if you have other brain boosting strategies which could benefit other parents.