How to detox your child from addiction to electronic gadgets
Over the past few years, our children and society at large have become addicted to electronic gadgets. Looking back at our childhood and reminiscing on all the time we spent outside either contributing to the society or getting in trouble, then we get a good laugh and wish our children can get to experience that. Research has shown that the effects of our addiction to technology can cause short attention spans, sleep deprivation, less physical activities and reduced person-to-person interaction. As a result, it has been recommended by the American Association of Pediatrics that a child gets a limit of 1 – 2 hours of screen time to ensure overall wellbeing and proper development of the child. As a result, the goal of most parents and guardians is to reduce their children’s over-dependence on electronic gadgets in this era of technology and all the pros and cons it comes with.

Everything needs to be used in moderation and going by that, here are some ways to detox your child from electronic gadgets;
Leading by example - Children tend to emulate what they observe from the community, thus if you create a gadget-free environment at your home where you limit or remove your electronic gadget use then your child will also do that. Encourage your child to create an electronic gadget free environment by acknowledging that it can be difficult to detox but also to take their suggestions of what could be done instead.
Set rules – Every household has rules which range from removing shoes to doing dishes. Making an electronic gadget free-session can be a rule whereby no one is allowed to use any gadget during a family time such as during meals. This will strengthen the family bonds as you get to share your opinions and experiences.
Go outdoors – What is better than the memories we make with friends and family under the sun? Going outdoors is fun and caters for everyone as the activities are endless. Depending on where you come from, you can go to the beach, go for a hike or even go out camping. Another wholesome activity includes volunteering with a charity where you will get to make friends and teach your child the importance of helping. Getting involved in sports is a wonderful option as the sporting options are endless and you get to promote physical fitness in the process. Other options include family picnics, planting a garden and even walking a dog.
Indoor activities – These are good old-school fun activities. Playing board games with the family and even inviting friends is at the top of the list since the games can be educational, for example scrabbles. Learn new skills, for example, painting for fun, your child might be the next Picasso, cooking using both the family recipes and trying out new ones, making music by playing instruments like the piano, guitar, and flute. The list is endless but is sure to give a family bonding experience whilst encouraging new skills.
Detox from electronic gadgets should be encouraged for both the young and old.