How to Deal with a Child that Cries over Everything at School
All children cry; the difference is with the interval of crying episodes. Loud cries can be irritating at times. It is your responsibility as a teacher to help a child reduce their magnitude and regularity of crying. As an adult and probably a parent, you are better equipped to guide the child through.

Below is how to deal with a child that cries over everything.
Avoid Outbursts of Emotions
When handling the crying child, do not get too emotional when the child persists with crying. Shouting, hitting surfaces near you and threatening the child will do no good. Create a cooling down formula that you use to calm down your learners when they are crying hysterically. Mastering the art of hiding your emotions will help you calm down a crying child faster.
Reinforce Behavior Only When Necessary
Showering your child with gifts every time that he/she makes an effort to refrain from crying is not recommended. When the child gets used to this routine of getting a reward every time, it is likely for the child to cry even more when you withdraw such reinforcements. Make the giving of the gifts irregular to help you gain full control of the process.
Try to Understand the Reason for the Child’s Cries
When a child is crying, calm down the child first, then proceed to find out the cause for the discontentment. Listen keenly to the reason why the child is crying and help out in any way possible. Do not laugh at the reason why the child is crying.
When you understand what triggers the cry, you can contain the child’s cry long before it escalates. At least try to show that you understand what the child is going through.
Train the Child to Express Emotions in an Alternate Manner
Most children cry to express their feelings which they are afraid to communicate verbally. Sometimes they cry to express discomfort or embarrassment. Train the child to verbally speak out what they need at any time. Skills of dealing with embarrassing and emotional moments will also help a child to reduce crying episodes.
Seek Professional Help for the Child
Some children may cry excessively even during the time they should not be shedding tears. Some illnesses may cause an almost-endless flow of tears down the child’s eyes. A visit to the pediatrician will help you determine if the child has eye or ear infections causing the excessive tear flow. If the child is all good, the parent may seek the help of a psychiatrist.
Encourage the Art of Sharing where Necessary
Some children have the unpleasant tendency of crying for things belonging to their friends. Encourage children in class to share whenever they can. Try speaking to parents to ensure that their children come to school loaded with the things that may need for the day at school. When the child is comfortable at school, crying episodes are reduced.
The entire school community has an important role in helping a child who cries a lot. By mastering the above instructions, you get to learn more on how to how to deal with a child that cries over everything at school. Your classrooms will be more peaceful and controlled.