How teachers can help a grieving student who lost a parent
During the course of a teacher’s career, it is not unusual to have students who experience the loss of a parent. This is a painful and bitter experience for anyone. They need a lot of support from anybody close to them; teachers are an ideal candidate given the rapport students build with their teachers over time. Some teachers feel they do not have the right training to help a grieving student, but a teacher does not need to be an expert. Teachers can help a grieving student by serving as a source of stability and also being present for the student to express their grief. Here are some tips on how a teacher can help a grieving student:

1. Comfort the student
A teacher should make sure that the student knows he or she is not alone in their grief. Teachers should grieve together with such a student and offer support, reassurance, comfort and empathy. It may be the first experience for the student to mourn the loss of a parent; so as a teacher, you should help them to cope with the situation and also encourage them to talk out what they feel. A teacher may also talk to the grieving student and give them a hug and make the student feel that he or she is not alone in this situation.
2. Provide learning support
A grieving student will have difficulty concentrating and learning in class. Give such students extra support; you can also set time to talk to the student outside the class and encourage them. Talk to other teachers, friends, relatives and their close network to help to coordinate a support effort towards the student. Teachers should offer educational support in any form to grieving students.
3. Talk to relatives for assistance
A grieving student’s relative should know how he or she is coping in school. Reach out to a relative to know how you can coordinate to help the student who has lost a parent. When you notice the student is feeling overwhelmed during class, allow them to step out of the class; you may even talk to them outside. It is essential to consult a relative of theirs to understand how you can support and what can be done to help the student deal with the loss.
4. Be authentic and present
Being real to the student is essential because it will help a student to trust you and also feel free to express their feelings. A teacher should be present to encourage the student on the loss of their parent. It is also suitable for a teacher to express caring and concern to the grieving student that way and the student will feel they are not alone in the grieving of the parent. It is a painful and sad period for a grieving student so a teacher should be genuine and supportive to the student.
A teacher should always give a word of encouragement and take initiative to help a grieving student who lost a parent because that is the most critical opportunity you have to can offer at this time. With the tips above a teacher can help a grieving student. Please contact us and share your experiences as a teacher if you ever had one.