How mindfulness in schools helps depression
Mindfulness is a mediation therapy that is mainly focused on exercising attentiveness. Depression usually comes from negative feelings as well as worries. But once you learn to recognize these feelings quickly, then you can easily intervene before depression sinks in.

The goal of mindfulness is to help the brain stay calm and be controlled when a person experiences anxiety-inducing situations.
Many schools nowadays have decided to involve their students in mindfulness. Many teachers around the world are making use of mindfulness intervention to help their student stay away from depression and anxiety. There are several studies which prove that students remain more focused and caring after engaging in mindfulness practice sessions five times a week.
Mindfulness can also enable students to have better control over their thoughts and emotions.
Mindfulness practices allow students to be intentionally aware of the present moment; this allows students to pause before automatically reacting to others. Instead of the students being distressed because of rejection or criticisms, they can easily step back and understand their automatic reactions and be attuned to their fellows’ needs and emotions. Its awareness provides students with options on how to respond to situations instead of being carried away by their emotions.
Mindfulness enables students to bring more of their attention to relationships and to appreciate the time they have spent with others. It also helps them get rid of distressing histories; hence, they can relate well with people.
With mindfulness, disagreements have become more constructive opportunities for students. They can be in a position to identify their mistakes and problems and focus on potential solutions.
Mindfulness in school enables students to have more energy and feel less overwhelmed by negative emotions. It also enables them to cope with difficult situations and support others easily.
Getting through difficulties with their friends via mindful communication can help students feel closer to each other. In addition to that, it also provides them with energy and emotional stamina to spend more time with their friends.
If students engage in mindfulness activities daily, they will become more assertive and learn to say no to what they do not feel comfortable doing. This can help in lessening their load of responsibilities. Students will therefore become more balanced in acknowledging other people’s needs as well as their own.
With mindfulness practice, students can now approach situations that they would previously stay away from.
Mindfulness improves students’ confidence and assertiveness; it enables them to feel more confident when involved in social activities.
Students who engage in mindfulness programs are likely to have decreased depression, stress and anxiety symptoms.
If you are experiencing any negative emotions, it is essential for you to confront it rather than doing nothing about it. Mindfulness can be a very great tool for students who are may be experiencing challenges and feel depressed. By regularly practicing it, they will be in a better position to deal with any negative situation that comes their way. All teachers should encourage mindfulness so for students to improve their lives.