How children can motivate themselves to do well in school
Doing well in academics is every child’s dream. Let’s face it; no child wants to be a failure in the eyes of their parents. A child’s academic excellence is the pride and joy of any parent, guardian, or teacher that teaches them. When it comes to education, (everyone; from parents, teachers to students) knowing how children can motivate themselves to do well in school is integral to academic success. There are several ways in which children can motivate themselves to do well in school and they include the following:

Consult a teacher
No one knows your strengths and limitations more than your teacher. This makes them uniquely qualified to help you do well in school. Take a moment of your time and sit down with your teacher and come up with strategies that best suit you.
Teachers were once students like you, and they can relate to what you’re going through most of the time. Teachers also know a lot more than you do and have a wealth of knowledge at their disposal that any child can gain from.
Seek feedback
As a child, you’re often likely to seek validation in what you do. It helps build your self-confidence and deepens the bond between you, your teachers and parents. Try getting as much feedback as you can, as it will help you keep track of your accomplishments. Feedback will also help you know whether you are improving or not.
Learn to organize
Create a timetable, keep track of your assignments and homework deadlines. You will perform better if you complete your homework early than wait for a last-minute rush. In addition, give yourself time to relax, play games and do any house chores that need your attention. Organizing yourself ensures you properly utilize your time.
Be positive
The last thing you want to do as a child is to worry about being reprimanded every time you underperform. Worrying works up your anxiety levels every time you are faced with a challenge, and you will most certainly end up failing. Instead, try and understand that failing is still part of the learning process, and you should learn from your mistakes rather than wallow in shame.
Expand your reading
Reading is one of the best ways to gain knowledge. Get a membership card for the school or public library and make good use of it. Read and borrow as many books as you can, and they shouldn’t all necessarily be related to your subjects. Read outside your syllabus to increase your knowledge.
Pursue your interests
Some children develop interests outside their curriculum. This makes learning more fun. As you explore subjects that captivate your mind, it helping your grow with knowledge as you challenge yourself by answering questions related to the topics you’re interested in.
Join a study team
Sometimes what you need is another likeminded friend(s) that will push you to do your best even when you feel down.
Focus on the ‘now’ rather than the future
The last thing you want to do is worry about what the future holds. Stressing about the future puts a lot of pressure on your performance instead of focusing on the learning aspect. Work on your current performance and the future will be yours for when you get there.
In conclusion, doing well in school can be a daunting endeavor. As a child you tend to mostly focus on the performance aspect of education when you should be concentrating on the learning. The path to academic success is straightforward and with the right approach, all you have to do is simply follow it.