Convertion of fractions to decimals math memory game

Fractions are a part of a number as decimals are a part of a number in fact fractions and decimal are the same concept. Every fraction has its equivalence in decimal and the other way around, each decimal can be translated into a fraction.

With this game “Fractions to Decimals Memory” test match we play with several squares with a challenging set of decimals and fractions displaying across of the screen. Students must match the decimals with the equivalent fraction and if all the decimals are successfully matched, the young students get the credit award in game. However, if all the pairs aren't matched, no credit are going to be given for that set.

Fraction to decimals uses two colorful squirrels on each side of the page, digging for nuts during a winter scene. They’re trying to fill their tree house with nuts. So, if the player score a right answer the squirrel will dig a nut and then save it in the tree. And when the answers are a mismatch, the squirrel will dig the nut but this time it'll go flying towards the opposite squirrel hitting it in the head. This game would be beneficial for fifth graders who need mathematical enrichment.