Entries by math4childrenplus

Prime or composite numbers rally game – Fun online

Prime and composite number identification have always been problematic for KG, nursery, and elementary level kids. The boring lectures and solutions may sometimes prove futile. The practice is a thing the foundation of math, and most of the students shun this practice. The only way to make the student is imparting them prime and composite […]

Pre-algebra subtraction game – Formula one race

The creators and designers of this fun game know that fun is the right way to go. They have created this game with fantastic adventure entertaining MCQs to test your ability in prealgebra subtraction. This adventure game helps kids learn about math and algebra sections with emphasis on subtraction. Prealgebra subtraction game - Formula one […]

Online math games on pre-algebra addition – Rally

The time had gone when schooling was different from gaming. Going to class meant no fun. Children tired of boring math classes and looked for fun. Now the mindset has been changed. Learning and fun are the same things. Now you learn complex formulas of algebra in the form of rally game. This game has […]

Math game on Order of operations – Rally Game

Our order of operations game lets you practice the math operations and get an understanding of BODMAS rule with fun. The game is available on the internet and other platforms. Math game on order of operations - Rally Game takes you to the next level of learning. With the adventure of a car race, you […]

How to spell numbers math game online – Rally game

Number spelling is challenging to remember for an elementary level kid. But if it involves activity and practice, it may be an easy task. How to spell numbers math game online - Rally game is created to make a difference. With adventure games, you practice spellings, and your skill and comprehension are rewarded when you […]

Rally Math Game on how to spell numbers above 20

In this game, you learn spellings with a car rally fun. The game is developed explicitly for pre-k, kindergarten, 1st grade, 2nd grade, and 7-grade students. Here is numbers spelling, and you have to recognize the correct one to go ahead. The game is a multiplayer game with some specific fun features. You move with […]

Multiplication of big numbers – Multiply 5 digits game

You may multiply the fun in your child's practice with a decent and engaging multiplication game. Multiplication of big numbers - Multiply five digits game is an online car rally game to impart your fluency in-game. In this game, you will see the logic behind the multiplication of the 5 digits process when you sole […]

Math game on multiplication by ten – Rally game online

This game gives you an insight into underlying math problems related to multiplying by 10. The rules and strategies redesigned in the form of a car rally game to learn and practice along with fun. Your third graders will surely enjoy this game called Math game on multiplication by ten - Rally game online. Here […]

Multiplication of two numbers math rally game online

Multiplication is made easy through this educational cum fun game. The multiplication does not go smoothly with elementary with primary level kids. The practice makes them perfect, and they run away from a tedious exercise. We have designed with this purpose in mind. The student takes part in a car rally game and solves multiplication […]

Distinguish between Even and Odd Number rally game

We have created this game to distinguish between odd and even numbers. It is a mathematical game with practice tests for kids. Distinguish between Even and Odd Number rally game is designed to give children plenty of academic opportunities to strengthen their ability to recognize odd and even numbers. This simplicity of play and fun […]