Entries by math4childrenplus

How skipping class affects educational achievement

Absenteeism in class is a very common behavior among students. Missing one day from school sets in motion a disruption whose chain effects may eventually affect a student’s academic performance. It starts with a student missing one or two classes, then it adds up to missing a day or two, finally it becomes a habit […]

How divorce affects children’s academic performance

Studies have shown that separation and divorce have a high correlation with academic achievement of kids. On average, children from broken homes experience a drop in academic performance especially during the first years of separation. All parents wish their children the best; they desire to see their young ones pursue higher education and get good-paying […]

When does k12 school year end?

When a child is introduced to a certain education system and they start learning, most parent’s hope is that their child will go through successfully. They therefore choose the most effective system that will shape their kids towards an expected outcome. Introduction of public - schools was mainly to increase the results of learning and […]

How to use iPads in the Classroom to Enhance Learning

As you may well be aware, an education-focused iPad has become a new teaching tool in the classroom today. This underscores the fact that technology is becoming very essential in today's classroom. According to Open Colleges, more than 5 million pupils in the United States use touchpads in the classroom every day. These students claim […]

How to Transfer Your Kid from Homeschool to Public School

Homeschooling is a great education strategy that is practiced by several parents across the world. The U.S. Department of Education (2019) estimates that about 3.4 % of kids are homeschooled in the U.S.A. The many benefits of homeschooling justify this choice. However, many reasons may force parents to opt out of homeschooling. For example, maybe […]

How teachers can avoid sleeping in the classroom

Every teacher knows the feeling. Most teachers have a problem of sleeping in the classroom every now and then. Staying awake in class is a challenge due to several reasons. Most literature available tends to focus only on students sleeping in class. However, teachers too suffer from it. Picture this scenario, you arrive in the […]