Entries by math4childrenplus

Some fun ways to teach children first aid

Have you ever thought of the type of activities your kid may enjoy in your absence? Well, if you didn't know, this is the fact. Those kids at times indulge in rough games they play in your absence. It is not every time they do it in the presence of adults. It is safe to […]

Reasons students should have a longer summer holiday

Like anyone else students also need a break from books for a while before resuming to the routine. Public and private schools have short summer holidays of about 3 months. It is important for students to have a longer summer holiday because of the following reasons;  Firstly, students will spend more quality time with family […]

How to teach students to work in teams

Teaching students to work in teams is instilling an essential life skill in them. Students learn best through teamwork. As their teacher or tutor you must structure the way teams are formed and how they function. You must know or have an estimated number of people you want students to work with. You must set […]

How to increase the brain power of your child

The human brain has more than a hundred billion brain cells. Although the brain is relatively small it controls thinking processes, memory, learning emotions and other body functions. Intensive learning takes place in the early stages of our life. The brain of a child undergoes extensive fine-turning processes. While you can't predict the future of […]