Entries by math4childrenplus

How mindfulness in schools helps depression

Mindfulness is a mediation therapy that is mainly focused on exercising attentiveness. Depression usually comes from negative feelings as well as worries. But once you learn to recognize these feelings quickly, then you can easily intervene before depression sinks in.  The goal of mindfulness is to help the brain stay calm and be controlled when […]

How Does Culture Influence a Child’s Cognitive Development?

The society is an encompassing entity that runs down from one generation to the next. We are exposed to culture right from the time of birth. A child is subjected to cultural values and practices way before school going age. Different environments instill slightly different cultural inputs. This accounts for different education policies even in […]

How do you make a really good paper airplane?

The picture most individuals have of a paper airplane is a badly folded sheet of paper that floats lazily around a classroom. The elementary design has been there for years, and it is now an easy task to craft a paper airplane that can dash around at high speed and cover almost an equal distance […]

Factors That Contribute To Poor Early Childhood Development

Due to the increased childhood mortality rates over the last decades, there has been an increase in the focus on child development. Approximately 200 million children worldwide fail to meet their development potential due to the following factors.  Poor Nutrition  Inadequacy of important minerals like iodine in the diet of a child affects the development […]

Why school uniforms are good and bad

Wearing school uniforms has become a controversial issue because some people feel uniforms are good while others feel they should be allowed the freedom to wear what they want to wear in a school. There is a big rift between school uniform supporters and those against them. Here are some reasons why school uniforms are […]

Why is Montessori education not good for your child?

Montessori education is a challenging system that was developed in 1907 by Dr. Maria Montessori, who was an Italian physician. She believed that children learn best by their interest. Surprisingly, this form of education has been used in various parts of the world for more than 100 years. Some parents prefer this education method because […]

What to do when your child refuses to do homework

Many students don’t like doing homework and keep on postponing. It may be due to the complexity of the educational system or the vastness of the study books and the amount of homework thrust upon students. As a result, many students procrastinate on their homework and try to drag it as much as possible hence […]