Entries by math4childrenplus

Positive and negative effects of diversity in the classroom

In the age of equality and political correctness, being diverse is becoming the norm for most organizations, in particular schools. The push towards diversity is becoming mainstream and has ended up having several consequences. There are both positive and negative effects of diversity in the classroom.  Positive effects Information about different cultures  A diverse class […]

Instructional strategies for emotionally disturbed students

Students' suffering from Emotional and Behavioral Disorder (EBD) in most cases, experience a negative perception of learning. Due to this reason, they lack motivation for classwork and desire for academic excellence. If the disorder is not addressed early and on time, it can easily lead to depression and total academically failure.  Below are some tips […]

How to improve patience skills with students at school

Every educator reaches a point in their lives where their students get the better of them, and they find themselves teetering on the edge of anger, or just giving up altogether. Whether it is due to improper behavior from a student, negative learning attitude, or even low-aptitude, being patient with students is a virtue you […]

How to Improve Children’s Critical Thinking Skills

Learning to think critically might be one of the essential accomplishments that today's kids will require for the future. In this modern and fast developing world, kids need to be capable of doing more than just reciting facts.  Kids need to be critical thinkers that can make sensible decisions, compare, analyze, make inferences, contrast and […]

How to Help a Child Cope with Social Anxiety in School

Teachers have a huge role in assisting learners to overcome anxiety attacks. Social anxiety is a big enemy working hard to hinder the learner from trying out new adventures in school. This prevents children from reaching their full potential and abilities.  Below are some strategies on how to help a child cope with social anxiety […]

How to cope with poverty as a teenager at school

Living in poverty can have various adverse effects on the life of a teen. Issues such as witnessing violence in homes, living in neighborhoods with a high rate of crime, low parental monitoring, and lack of financial stability can significantly contribute to teen problems. Fortunately, there are numerous ways that you can use to cope […]

How teachers should handle the death of a student

Human feelings are complicated; sorrow or death is one of the most intense and mind bugging feelings. The act of processing grief, getting led off emotions and learning to move on after experiencing the loss of a loved one is a difficult task for almost everyone. The same applies to teachers and students after the […]