Entries by math4childrenplus


Spatial sense cartoon for children Teaching children spatial sense by letting this watch this math cartoon tutorial. This video teaches children how to identify positions : left, right, middle and bottom. It is a suitable introductory spatial sense fun video for children in pre K, kindergarten, 1st and 2nd grades.

Perimeter of rectangle

Finding Perimeter and Area Teaching children how to find the perimeter and area of squares and other geometrical shapes. This fun cartoon teaches kids the formula for finding the perimeter in a fun way ( the sum of all the sides). Finding the perimeter of a figure can also aid kids to apply the knowledge […]

Perimeter of complex figure

Finding the perimeter of complex figures Teach children how to find the perimeter of complex figures by watching this cartoon video. It is a fun and interactive video for self-learning both at home and in school. Teach children geometry for 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th graders aligned to common core state standards.

Pentagon and rectangle

Shapes - Pentagon and rectangle Cartoon video tutorial on learning shapes in this case a pentagon and a rectangle. A pentagon has five sides while a rectangle has four sides. This video teaches children how to draw and spell these shapes. This is a fun cartoon for kids in Pre-k, kindergarten, 1st and 2nd grades.

Parallelogram and square

Parallelogram and square shapes Geometry cartoon lesson on teaching children how to recognize a parallelogram and a square. Both shapes have four sides; in this lesson you will learn how to draw the shape and spell them. It is a fun and interactive math lesson for children in Pre-k, kindergarten, 1st and 2nd grades.

Oval and star

Geometry - Oval and Star cartoon lesson Math cartoon video teaching children shapes - Oval and star shapes. An val shape look like a circle that has been pressed from end to end (looking almost like and egg). Stars are shapes often represented showing five sharp edges. This is a good classroom and home video […]

Octagon hexagon

Shapes - Octagon and Hexagon Math cartoon video teaching children shapes - Octagon and hexagon shapes. An octagon has 8 sides while a hexagon has six sides. This is a good classroom and home video for Pre-K, Kindergarten, first and second grade kids. This video was produced with common core state standards in mind.

Number two

Number two Teach children counting from 1 to 2 in a fun way using this video cartoon tutorial. This video teaches children how to trace the number two, spell it and count objects from one to two. It is a suitable interactive activity for kids from PreK, kindergarten, 1st and 2nd grades. This cartoon is […]

Number three

Number Three Teach children counting from 1 to 3 in a fun way using this video cartoon tutorial. This video teaches children how to trace the number three, spell it and count objects from one to two. It is a suitable interactive activity for kids from PreK, kindergarten, 1st and 2nd grades. This cartoon is […]

Number ten

Number Ten (10) Teach children counting from 1 to 10 in a fun way using this video cartoon tutorial. This video teaches children how to trace the number ten, spell it and count fish in a pond from one to ten. It is a suitable interactive activity for kids from PreK, kindergarten, 1st and 2nd […]