Entries by math4childrenplus

Triangles and banana

Shapes - triangle Learning the shape triangle with this geometry cartoon. Teach children how to recognize a triangle by watching this fun video of a monkey jumping along  and find its track with triangles. Suitable activity children in preK, kindergarten, 1st, 2nd and 3rd grades on identifying triangles.

Time to the hour

Telling time to the hour Telling time to the hour math video cartoon for children in 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th grades. This is a fun cartoon for children to practice telling time: 1:00 o'clock, 2:00 o'clock, 3:00 o'clock etc. Let children learn by watching this fun cartoon at school or at home.

Time quarter past

Telling time a quarter past Telling time to the quarter math video cartoon for children to practice telling time. Telling time to the quarter also means you learn how to tell time after fifteen minutes from an hour e.g. 1:15, 2:15 etc. This activity is fun and suitable for children in kindergarten, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, […]

Time half past

Telling time thirty minutes past Math video cartoon for children to learn telling time on clocks thirty minutes paste the hour. 30 minutes past the our is also referred to as half past. For example , 1:30 is referred to as half past one. This is a suitable time video cartoon for kids in kindergarten, […]

Subtraction of 3 digits

Subtraction of three digit numbers Teach children how to subtract three digit numbers. This is also referred to as subtraction of 3 place numbers. This is a fun cartoon for children to watch and learn; it is made easy with the fun of apples being harvested on a tree and taken off progressively. This is […]


Subtraction cartoon Math cartoon of subtraction. Teach children basic subtraction with a rabbit eating carrots and taking away from a set of carrots. This is a fun way to teach children basic subtraction while introducing them to the whole concept of taking away (also called subtracting). This cartoon is suitable for children in 1st, 2nd […]

Squares in pond

Shapes - Square Math cartoon and teaching children shapes. It teaches kids how to recognize and distinguish a square from other shapes. it is a fun activity with shapes in a pond and a fish has to swim only along squares. It is a fun cartoon for children in pre-k, kindergarten, 1st, 2nd and 3 […]

Sorting two

Number Two Cartoon on teaching children the number 2. This activity involves counting up to two and circling a group of two objects. It is a suitable pre - K, kindergarten and first grade math activity.

Repeating pattern

Repeating patterns math cartoon Math cartoon on patterns for children to learn what repeating patterns are. In this cartoon, kids will learn using fruits showing how patterns repeat   along different lines. This activity is a good self - learning aid for kids in Pre K, kindergarten, 1st, 2nd and 3rd grades. This is a […]

Reading a thermometer

Reading a Thermometer Math video cartoon on reading a thermometer. Teach kids to how to use a thermometer and watch how the temperature rises in hot water and drops in cool water. Watch how to read the temperature rise from zero degree celcius up to 100 degree celcius. This is a good math homeschool and […]