Adding numbers from 1 to 5 math game – monkey match

Addition 1-5 game is a fun math exercise for children and it helps young students to develop all the necessary counting skills in the addition of numbers up to five. Both math teachers and parents can use this game complement the study session in home and at the school.

The game involves a monkey, in a deserted island, digging for treasures. With the form of a multiple choice quiz the learner must listen to the instructions and choose the correct answer within less than 15 seconds the more correct answer the player is able to score the more stars are awarded at the end.

Early learners are able to do simple addition using pictures. Simple addition problems help get children ready for more advanced addition problems and for mental math afterward. Using the math addition game, children are ready to see the objects on the proper hand side of the screen and count them. They become conversant in the addition symbol +, and are ready to choose the right answer out of 4 answers on the screen.