How teachers can help a grieving student who lost a parent

During the course of a teacher’s career, it is not unusual to have students who experience the loss of a parent. This is a painful and bitter experience for anyone. They need a lot of support from anybody close to them; teachers are an ideal candidate given the rapport students build with their teachers over time. Some teachers feel they do not have the right training to help a grieving student, but a teacher does not need to be an expert. Teachers can help a grieving student by serving as a source of stability and also being present for the student to express their grief. Here are some tips on how a teacher can help a grieving student: 

1. Comfort the student

A teacher should make sure that the student knows he or she is not alone in their grief. Teachers should grieve together with such a student and offer support, reassurance, comfort and empathy. It may be the first experience for the student to mourn the loss of a parent; so as a teacher, you should help them to cope with the situation and also encourage them to talk out what they feel. A teacher may also talk to the grieving student and give them a hug and make the student feel that he or she is not alone in this situation. 

2. Provide learning support

A grieving student will have difficulty concentrating and learning in class. Give such students extra support; you can also set time to talk to the student outside the class and encourage them. Talk to other teachers, friends, relatives and their close network to help to coordinate a support effort towards the student. Teachers should offer educational support in any form to grieving students. 

3. Talk to relatives for assistance

A grieving student’s relative should know how he or she is coping in school. Reach out to a relative to know how you can coordinate to help the student who has lost a parent. When you notice the student is feeling overwhelmed during class, allow them to step out of the class; you may even talk to them outside. It is essential to consult a relative of theirs to understand how you can support and what can be done to help the student deal with the loss. 

4. Be authentic and present

Being real to the student is essential because it will help a student to trust you and also feel free to express their feelings. A teacher should be present to encourage the student on the loss of their parent. It is also suitable for a teacher to express caring and concern to the grieving student that way and the student will feel they are not alone in the grieving of the parent. It is a painful and sad period for a grieving student so a teacher should be genuine and supportive to the student. 

A teacher should always give a word of encouragement and take initiative to help a grieving student who lost a parent because that is the most critical opportunity you have to can offer at this time. With the tips above a teacher can help a grieving student. Please contact us and share your experiences as a teacher if you ever had one. 

How skipping class affects educational achievement

Absenteeism in class is a very common behavior among students. Missing one day from school sets in motion a disruption whose chain effects may eventually affect a student’s academic performance. It starts with a student missing one or two classes, then it adds up to missing a day or two, finally it becomes a habit which is very addictive. This is not a big deal to most students today. Experts say chronic absenteeism may start from as early as kindergarten and no matter the reason, it always has a negative outcome in a student’s educational performance. When making a comparison, students who are not always in school have a rare chance of performing and thriving in their academics. Whereas those who do not skip classes have greater chances of performing better and are deemed to become potentially successful people later in life. 

Research indicates that with just from only five misses in school, tremendous negative change begins to show in the student’s performance. Studies have also shown that those who miss more classes are likely to have lower chances to graduate as compared to those who attend school frequently. Most of these students assume that missing school for only a few days does not have a direct impact on their academics, which is very wrong. For most of them, their parents are not aware about their absenteeism or other parents don’t even care about it. What these youngsters don’t understand is that skipping school for even the shortest time possible can have a high negative impact on both your grades and the possibility of you ever graduating. 

Parents and teachers are the most important tool for fighting this addictive behavior. These are some tips they can implement to overcome cases of their kids missing out on an important milestone in their life.

1) Advocate for open communications. Parent and teachers should be open to the kids to create a platform where these kids are free to air out their troubles.

2) Involvement in the child’s life. A parent should attend school functions, follow up on an assignment and check their kid’s progress reports frequently. This helps the kid to feel that the parent is part and parcel of their academic journey.

3) Create awareness on the importance of education. We all know the factoid “what you don’t know will not affect you”; when a child understands the importance of being in school they will willingly put more effort for their own good.

4) Let the child feel that whatever is taught in school is part of real life. Most children miss school because they assume what is in class doesn’t connect to real life. For instance, how does learning integers help you sell cookies in a bakery?

5) Let your kids understand that there will be consequences for their absenteeism. Parents should come up with consequences for their kids if they miss class. The kids should understand that you do not accept or tolerate search behaviors.

6) The parent should also emphasize this often to make sure the kids don’t forget. This may be done through frequent talks with them. One can even write a warning signpost for them and stick it in a place that can be easily seen. 

Finally; as custodians of education, we should be able to understand that every element is key in a child’s success. Missing classes is a sign of trouble or a troubled kid. Once this is noticed, it should be handled immediately and carefully. For others, it may just be for their own pleasure while for others it may be due to very serious circumstances affecting them. Teachers too should be able to deal with such cases diligently. Whatever the problem is, try to sit down with the kid so as to talk it through and find a solution. Dealing with it at an early stage may, in fact, save you from more stress. It’s up to everyone to understand that they are all custodians of education and should take part in the process. 

How divorce affects children’s academic performance

Studies have shown that separation and divorce have a high correlation with academic achievement of kids. On average, children from broken homes experience a drop in academic performance especially during the first years of separation.

All parents wish their children the best; they desire to see their young ones pursue higher education and get good-paying jobs in future. This is not always the case for children from divorced families.

Divorce has a negative impact on the life of a child, from a decline in educational performance to very difficult adult relations even with their partners later in life. The effects of divorce on children’s wellbeing are limitless; for example when children are assisted to do their homework by their parents, it helps to boost their self-esteem and improve their grades. Let’s go over how these effects in detail and how the impact a child’s performance.

How divorce affects children’s academic performance

1. Emotionally distracted

Divorce can create emotional distress in children. This makes children develop some behavioral problems and start to be less focused in life; they start to look at life from a different angle, mostly from a negative perspective. When kids are in emotional distress, it becomes difficult for them to concentrate on class work. It is therefore important to seek the services of a tutor to help such kids to focus on their education. 

2. It lowers educational aspirations 

Whenever there is a divorce, children are the ones who suffer most; it is the last thing that any child would wish to happen. Divorce is tough on children; this goes further to affect their educational outcomes and aspirations. During a divorce, children are forced to move from one place to another, hear unseemly things from their parents and forced to take sides. This has a negative long term effect on their education performance.

3. Lower grade point average

Research shows that divorce makes children have a lower grade point average than those from married parents. This can be attributed to more to the difficult times children from divorced families are facing. 

4. Comprehension suffers

 Divorce can severely affect the mind of a child. When divorce occurs, children are left in the most difficult and challenging situations that make them feel sad, lost, depressed and even confused. Diffident studies have confirmed this; it has been found that children from divorced families are likely to suffer from hyperactivity disorder and ADD than those from nuclear families. Divorce lowers their ability to easily read and comprehend in class. 

5. Less likely to attend higher education 

Children from divorced families tend to fail to continue their education past high school. Several factors contribute to this; one of the common causes for this is the lack of finances to cater for college or university education. 

6. Behavioral issues

Lack of tender care and affection that children from divorced families face makes them behave weirdly in schools. Divorce causes emotional turmoil in children. This further makes them to start skipping school and acting poorly. Without discipline, it makes it hard for teachers to effectively manage their classrooms.

Although divorce is inevitable for valid reasons, the effects on the educational performance of children in school is severe. Parents should do their very best to create a conducive environment for the development of their kids, both academically and socially. This however does not mean that parents should continue to live in abusive relationships that could also lead to the same consequences. 

Common Injuries School Children Have and How to Prevent Them

Do you know that at least 500 primary school kids get twists and slight injuries every year? That is a huge number and as a school teacher who spends much time with the kids, you need to take precautionary measures and avoid injuries at school. Most of the injuries are not severe and include slight bruises and knocks. Nevertheless, a severe injury might happen and it is something you don’t want to happen in your facility. In this article, we describe some of the common injuries and how you should prevent them. 

1. Ankle Injuries 

Twisted ankles and sprains present some of the most common injuries in school going children. You have been on the receiving end of these injuries in your school days, right? You know how easy it is to get an ankle sprain. Simple physical activities such as running on an uneven surface could cause ankle sprain. Hilly spots and playground equipment can also cause ankle twits and sprains. To prevent this, you need to make sure that playgrounds are flat and smooth. Flatten all the hills and remove anything that may make the playground uneven. 

2. Knee Injuries 

Since time immemorial, knees have been the most common sites of playground bruises and scrapes. Sliding on the ground, shoving, and falling causes some pretty painful injuries, some of which range from severe problems and bleeding that may require immediate doctor’s attention. Some of the most sensitive parts of the knee, such as ligaments, cartilage and tendons are likely to be strained or torn during sporting activities. The best prevention strategy is ensuring that kids warm up before participating in sports. You can also warn the kids not to slide on bumpy playgrounds. 

3. Head Injuries 

Head injuries are severe and should always be treated with the seriousness they deserve. A slight elbow on the head in a basketball match could cause concussions and brain injuries. School children are likely to collide head-on, especially is fierce class matches. Sometimes a child might knock his head by running into a flag pole. Most children are not aware that head injuries are critical, and they don’t care. As a teacher, you should always be prepared to handle a severe head injury through emergencies and school ambulances. You can also make it clear why children should take caution and avoid even slight head injuries. 

4. Wrist Injuries 

If school children fall on the playground, their most instinct is to reach out and brace themselves with their hands. Psychologists highlight that humans use their hands to brace as an intuitive method of preventing head injuries. However, although hands play a vital role in preventing injuries to critical parts of the bodies, they experience massive injuries as well. Wrists become sore, twisted, and may break. As a teacher, you should caution the school children against running aimlessly around the school compound to avoid wrist injuries. 

As a teacher, you have to understand that school children don’t understand anything about safety. Most of them don’t know how they can avoid injuries. Therefore, you have to keep close attention to the children so that you can respond swiftly in case of injuries. 

Why is integration of arts in education important for kids

In recent years, many schools are abandoning the fine arts in favor of sciences. This trend stems from society's dictates that tend to prioritize sciences over everything else. As parents, we tend to flow with such trends hoping they stay the same in future, so that children are guaranteed of a good job. Today, subjects like music, dance, theater, sculpture, painting, and drawing are not popular anymore. However, arts integration in education is crucial to creating well-prepared, well-rounded learners and leaders. The complexity of today's world and the beauty the blend of arts and science creates through outstanding innovations warrants that we pay more attention to it.

Every young person deserves a competitive and complete education involving the arts. In America, the culture of innovation, entrepreneurship and global structure depend on a competitive world-class education. Research has revealed that sufficient participation in arts helps children with the development of other important skills like language and motor skills. Our big question therefore remains unanswered; why is integration of arts in education important for kids yet most institutions are abandoning it ?

Enhances creativity 

The arts allow our kids to express themselves well if compared to math and science. Arts of education improves creativity and with this popular skill, our children are able to make good decisions. For example, students who study arts show greater adaptability and flexibility when it comes to creative thinking. Just imagine a kid creating an original artwork! This reflects the kid’s creativity. Moreover, arts classes provide a suitable environment for fostering creativity.

Children Learn Positive Behaviors, Attitudes and Habits 

The arts have been proven to boost not only culture but also behavior among students. When there is an integration of arts in the curriculum, negative behaviors tend to be eliminated. Painting, learning a musical instrument, singing and dancing are very crucial for children's growth and well being. These positive habits are vital for success in future.

Arts Education Improves Student Engagement 

All components of the arts are essential. Music has immediate rewards, positive achievements, fosters collaboration and develops concrete products. It offers many opportunities for kids to demonstrate their skills and abilities through authentic performance. In the arts program, students learn how to think positively about themselves. Also, it encourages participation in the class. Teaching an artistic discipline to young children some times requires them to work in groups towards the same project. This improves students engagement.

It Sharpens Critical thinking Skills

With arts, students are able to improve their level of thinking. This method can guide them when they're learning other academic disciplines. Additionally, they’re able to understand and cope with life outside the school. Most importantly, it helps them to learn, observe, interpret, analyze and synthesize different perspectives. When it comes to decision making, they’re able to make good choices. Remember that critical thinking skills are key to lifelong learning and college readiness.

Kids Practice Teamwork 

Teamwork among students is crucial when it comes to their performance. It allows students to share their experiences. This makes them better appreciate what they feel about their education. Teamwork leads to collaboration, harmony and problem solving in the classroom. It is through this that children realize how teamwork improves and contributes to great performances.

Students should be encouraged to become more involved in the arts. This will help them with the development of positive behaviors. It will also enhance their intellectual skills, good decision making, creativity and teamwork.

When does k12 school year end?

When a child is introduced to a certain education system and they start learning, most parent’s hope is that their child will go through successfully. They therefore choose the most effective system that will shape their kids towards an expected outcome. Introduction of public - schools was mainly to increase the results of learning and education for learners. Most people would describe the purpose of education as a creation for preparedness for a career. The aim of this system is to create learners who are able to articulate a vision for their future and help them navigate their own paths. The K12 is a system of education mostly in the USA. These are mainly K for kindergarten followed by the 12 years that come after it for grade school.

This is a good system that mainly supports kids to attain lifelong academic skills and also polish their life skills. This system shapes a kid to an all-rounded person and they are taught to become custodians of their own success. Competence -based education serves the purpose of achieving this vision. Understanding the value it creates for learners not just for joining college in the end, creates a bigger picture for this purpose. Parents are also involved in their child’s learning. The parent acts as a facilitator and helps children navigate through the curriculum. They act as a facilitator in the implementation of the system’s curriculum. Children are able to access STEM, which in turn enables the kid to understand their goals and passion, therefore, molding their careers. This method of learning can also be articulated through online studying or homeschooling. In each of these modes, a different kind of schedule is used. An advantage of this is that the learner can be able to customize learning to fit their schedule depending on the mode of learning they use. 

For most of the K12 schools, you will find that the start and the end of the school year are indicated on the school website. For schools with the school year that has not started yet, you can check the end of the school year at the column with the next school year end date. For most of the schools, their schedule is usually posted for the parents to access. In these publicly – supported schools, for instance, many end the school year around May. This will mostly depend on the school’s activities of the year. Graduation generally takes place in June. Although it is flexible, the start and the end dates for every semester are specific. This is due to the fact that the learner has to submit their assignment for grading at a specific time. If a learner feels that they may finish their course work prior to their end of course date they are allowed to talk to their instructor so that their schedule may be fixed depending on their efforts. 

This system embraces technology which is a very commendable thing. This is because learners who cannot be able to access physical classes can still be able to attend school through online platforms. All stakeholders of education should understand the importance of offering the best system of education so as to give learners the most efficient platform to grow. 

How to use iPads in the Classroom to Enhance Learning

As you may well be aware, an education-focused iPad has become a new teaching tool in the classroom today. This underscores the fact that technology is becoming very essential in today's classroom. According to Open Colleges, more than 5 million pupils in the United States use touchpads in the classroom every day. These students claim that iPads have made it simple and easier to organize work, make notes on PDF and make presentations.

For one thing, the education spotlight is now shining on the iPad. This gadget has become less expensive and students enjoy the added educational benefits. For teachers, new applications installed in this tool have been noted to boost creative teaching abilities and teacher's classroom management. Let's look at how to use iPads in the Classroom to Enhance Learning.


One essential skill that students need to learn is public speaking. Touchpads, including iPad and other tablets, make perfect tools for creating as well as delivering effective presentations. Many outstanding apps created for iPads can be applied to seamlessly integrate documents, images, videos, and PowerPoint-like slide shows. Also, students can perform real-time drawing, animation and writing hence providing an interactive experience. Another benefit is flexibility as students are able to highlight, circle and write important points, especially during their presentation. Finally, they simply save and email the final products to their teachers for grading. 


As a matter of fact, iPads are very efficient when it comes to providing instant communication for both teachers and students. For teachers, writing notes, grading and filing have become easier than ever. Teachers can provide assignments for students to go over even before they get to class. Moreover, iPads go back and forth between school and home where parents monitor their children's assignments. In addition to this, teachers can notify parents about the performance of students, hence all around connection is maintained.


As we know, textbooks are inefficient, often expensive and hard on the environment. Another thing is that replacing old textbooks that contain outdated information is a problem. A few years back, many schools experienced this. However, using iPads in the classroom enables easy transition when it comes to updating information. Students are able to get reliable information without any struggle than shouldering the cost of buying new textbooks. Also, eBooks are eco-friendly and provide paper savings for both teachers and students. At first, iPads may seem to be an expensive choice, but after reviewing the time for textbooks and cost, you realize its long term benefits.

Science and Research 

Some of the modern apps on the market focus on science research and experiments. Everything concerning chemistry and biology like the periodic table, brain science, plants and anatomy is available in some of the coolest apps. One important app for this is Star Walk for iPad. For a project to be successful, thorough research is a must. iPads provide students with the largest knowledge database they require at their fingertips. Students will excel in their projects since they can access relevant information easily.

Content creation and writing 

It requires commitment and dedication to put words on paper. At times, this may seem tiresome to students and also their teachers. Rather than writing on paper and later throw the report into a recycling bin, iPads have come to make things easier. With presentation apps like Haiku Deck, Nearpod and Keynote, teachers can create notes and slides that include images and videos easily. These can be later used in the classroom to explain important facts to students. With this, they can get excellent concepts without any struggle.

Digital learning using iPads is of benefit both to teachers and students. All that they need is training on how to use these tools. Remember that iPads make leaning easier, boost enthusiasm and engagement, easy to use and customize learning. As students use such teaching tools they'll gain more knowledge and achieve their career goals. It is however worth mentioning that parents have to regulate the use of these tools since they can also become a major form of distraction. Students could get absorbed by video games that can be downloaded freely from the app store.

How to Transfer Your Kid from Homeschool to Public School

Homeschooling is a great education strategy that is practiced by several parents across the world. The U.S. Department of Education (2019) estimates that about 3.4 % of kids are homeschooled in the U.S.A. The many benefits of homeschooling justify this choice. However, many reasons may force parents to opt out of homeschooling. For example, maybe they just got a new job and will no longer be available to educate their child at home or perhaps the child wishes to get the experience of a public school. Whatever the reason may be, several precautions have to be in place to ensure a smooth transition. Here are a few things to consider when making the change from homeschool to public school:

1. Seek Academic Credit 

You can ask an accredited learning institution to let your child take a standardized test and earn academic credit. While standardized testing is not mandatory for home-schooled students who are seeking admission to regular schools, allowing your child to take one can be a wise move. 

First, a standardized test score will enable your child's new school to place him or her at the right grade level. Second, a transcript prepared by a parent does not carry as much weight as one made by an accredited learning institution. So, if your child has done a standardized exam, he or she will have an added advantage over other candidates that have not when it comes to admission. 

2. Contact Your Preferred School for the Transition Requirements 

The second step is to call the school to which you want to transfer your kid and ask the principal or the person in charge regarding the required documentation, transfer procedures as well as deadlines. Once you are advised, proceed to the next step. 

3. Assemble the Necessary Documents 

Most schools will require documents like a child's birth certificate, social security card, immunization certificate, and proof of residency such as an apartment lease agreement or a utility bill. 

Since it can take time to assemble all those documents, it helps to start off immediately you get off the phone with the school. Plus, the fact that the deadline for new student admissions may be short, you want to start putting this stuff together ASAP. 

4. Contact the School for Registration Steps 

Once you are ready with all the required documents, it is time to start the admission process. Call the school for directives. Also note that enrollment steps may vary depending on the type of school to which you want to enroll your kid (public or private) and your location. Another alternative would be to go to the school's website and find the enrollment steps. 

5. Orientation 

Once you have completed the enrollment steps successfully and gained admission for your child, let the kid attend all the available orientations. This step will help him/her become familiar with the school, making his or her transition process a smooth and exciting one. 

Final Thoughts 

Transferring a home schooling kid to a public school can be a painful process at times, but with the right knowledge, it can be a smooth and exciting one. Follow my how to transfer from homeschool to public school tips above to place your kid in a regular school seamlessly. 

How teachers can avoid sleeping in the classroom

Every teacher knows the feeling. Most teachers have a problem of sleeping in the classroom every now and then. Staying awake in class is a challenge due to several reasons. Most literature available tends to focus only on students sleeping in class. However, teachers too suffer from it. Picture this scenario, you arrive in the classroom with the best of intentions, take out your notes and start teaching your students, suddenly, you feel your head bobbing uncontrollably and your eyes gradually closing. Imagine what is running through your student's minds at this point.

Maybe you spent the night preparing notes for your students or you had to work late. Because I am a teacher I once had this problem. I frantically tried to keep my eyes open but uncontrollable, unrestrained and unconscious drowsiness took over. It could happen at any time of the day; morning or afternoon. Here are some tips on how teachers can avoid sleeping in the classroom.

Sleep lots and sleep well 

One thing I understand is that teachers have busy schedules. They must prepare their notes, read a lot, structure classes, extracurricular activities and do lab practicals for students. Also, as a teacher, you have a family that you are looking after. However, if you're a chronic classroom sleeper, you might run into this problem. The amount of sleep required varies as we age. This is also dependent on genetics, therefore, it's not an accident. Good news! Make sure you sleep a lot especially during your free time. To ensure optimum performance, sleep at least 8 to 9 hours each night. Sleep well and ensure there is no disturbance. The truth is that you'll be able to avoid sleeping in the classroom.

Sit up, focus on your posture 

Most teachers love teaching while sitting. It may be beneficial because there is a lot of relaxation and comfort, but it may also be too comfortable and trigger sleep. Ensure you sit up comfortably and ensure you see all your students. Roll your shoulders back and make sure you don’t slouch. Remember slouching can lead to unnecessary stress on your body especially your muscles. Moreover, it can cause tiredness which eventually leads to sleep. So, your sitting posture is very important.

Eat well

Before you attend to your students it’s advisable to stay away from sugar and refined carbohydrates. Instead, go for a meal which is rich in protein. This will keep your full, strong and focused when teaching. If it is allowed, you can bring fruits and carry a bottle of water with you in the classroom. With this, you’ll have the morale and more energy and hence a huge boost. Also, ensure you’re hydrated by drinking plenty of H2O the whole day.

Interact with your students 

Interacting is one method used to eliminate stress and boring moods. Ask questions and let them answer through class participation. Also, when the lesson is at the climax and you discover you're tired, give them a chance to ask questions. The questions make you active as you'll focus on what they're asking. This will help you to stay focused. Note that you don't fall asleep when you're active. Think about it.

Don’ be a sleeping master in the classroom. In fact, it weird to see a teacher sleeping during class. In most cases, we expect students to sleep but not their teachers. Simply put, sleeping in front of students is a bad thing. The tips above will help you solve this problem.

How old are kids in 1st grade

When a child gets to 1st grade it is quite a milestone for them and their parents. For most parents, it is usually terrifying and at the same time an exciting experience. This is because the child gets into the real life of academics. The transition into school represents a major step in a child’s life; it is both a mental and social change. To most parents, it is always hard to make such a decision on either to let their kid join a school at the eligible time or wait for them to grow a little more so that they catch up fast within the system. Understanding the importance of the school age of kids may also help in their social and mental development.

1st grade is the first year of school for a child from kindergarten; therefore, it is a big transition that they have to slowly fit in. For most kids in the USA, they are usually between 6-7 years. Different institutions have different age qualification for enrolling kids for first grade. In some states, the age limit varies. For instance, in other states, a child is required to have reached 6 years for him or her to be enrolled. There is an exception for kids who come from different education systems. In other states, the child must be turning six by September 30th the year she or he is enrolling for 1st grade.

The standard age to join first grade is 6 years. In some cases, parents prefer to delay the age of entry of their kids to first grade so that they easily adjust to the new system. First grade is a very crucial phase for a child; this is because the child leaves the playgroup they are used to in preschool and enter a system where they are required to develop their academic skills. The child goes through extensive learning unlike in kindergarten. Whether they go at 6 or 7 years the most important thing during this transition is that the child is comfortable with the new environment. This will aid them in the process of mental and academic growth. In some exceptional cases health may hinder a child’s entry to 1st grade and at some point, some kids join 1st grade at an older age which is acceptable.

Under some circumstances, some kids join 1st grade at an earlier age than stipulated. These cases occur when a child shows signs of maturity than their age. At this point, the child shows higher capabilities in any activity she or he engages in; the child is said to be fit for first grade. First grade is a very exciting platform for kids. This is because they take part in activities that engage the mind a lot. This is a balanced arena for classwork and outdoor activities. They begin to try out new kinds of stuff like math, science, reading and many other subjects. It is important for parents to motivate their kids no matter their performance or age. This gives the kid a sense of responsibility and will enable the kid to fit into the system fast. Kids who are either younger or older for first grade feel out of place. In such cases a lot of motivation and encouragement both from parents and teachers will be of great help to the kid. It is important to make kids understand that age is not a factor of academic success. Parents should support their kids and let them blossom in this thrilling, exciting and new phase of their lives as this will enable them to take greater steps in their educational path.