Instructional strategies for emotionally disturbed students

Students' suffering from Emotional and Behavioral Disorder (EBD) in most cases, experience a negative perception of learning. Due to this reason, they lack motivation for classwork and desire for academic excellence. If the disorder is not addressed early and on time, it can easily lead to depression and total academically failure. 

Below are some tips on instructional strategies for emotionally disturbed students every teacher can follow to help their students. 

1. Use of guided notes 

A tutor can prepare hand-outs which outline topic contents but leave blank spaces on key concepts, definitions, and facts. As the teacher teaches through, the learner fills through the blank spaces with the content taught. Guided notes help learners reduce notes taking, improve on understanding, and increase overall concentration in class. 

2. Use Active Student Responding (ASR) 

The next strategy is use of Active Student Responding. This approach gives a chance to students to stay alert and respond to questions. It also acts as an intermediate chance for a teacher to evaluate students' progress. ASR further makes the classroom environment conducive for learners, making them happier. 

3. Use of Response cards 

Response cards are the next instrumental strategy for fighting emotional distress in students. The approach involves the use of stock cards, where a teacher divides students into two groups and gives them cards. The two groups are named as per the color of the card. A teacher can decide to have green and red color cards or any other color that appeals best to students. Once students are divided, they challenge each other with questions, making the whole classroom active. As students engage each other, antisocial students get a chance to stay active. 

4. Curriculum approach 

Curriculum content approach is another effective way of helping students reduce emotional disorders. This entails the use of choral responses in reading aloud written materials on the blackboard or in books. As students read through, the teacher can monitor students’ participation. When students are learning together, everyone becomes part of the group, lowering boredom among emotionally disturbed students. 

5. Use of clickers 

Nowadays, schools are using clickers to make sure students remain active in the classroom as an instructional strategy for emotionally disturbed students. It involves instructing students to read questions aloud displayed on the screen of a smartphone / board as well as type their predicted answers to questions posted on the screen. Overall, students get a chance to improve their activeness in class as well as perfect their skills in the use of electronic devices.  

6. Simple class rules 

Lastly, class rules can help a lot in handling cases of emotionally disturbed students. A teacher needs to keep class rules simple and clear. Ethical class rules should not be over 5 in number and should be simple to understand. Simple class rules help students with EBD feel part of the class community and not offended by an aspect that would aggravate emotional disorders. Simple class rules can be like; try your best in the classroom always, respect others, be polite to others, and lastly we are all equal. 

In conclusion, listed are among the best strategies to use in fighting emotional disturbances. Some policies might be flexible or non-flexible to students. As a teacher, you must adjust accordingly to fit students. 

How to use social media to engage your students in the classroom

Considering the time spent by both adults and teens on social media, teachers should consider leveraging social media to their advantage in the classroom. It would appear, utilizing social media to engage students in the classroom might be an effective tool to include in your toolkit for today’s educational system.

Studies conducted by the Pew Research Center in 2015 found the following statistics concerning the utilization of social media by American students between the age of 13 years and 17 years: 

• At least 93% of the students use social media, only 22% of which use only a single social media platform; 71% use multiple social media platforms

• 92% visit social media every day, with 24% saying that they use the internet almost consistently. 

The statistics make it apparent: teens spend a lot of time on social media. Regardless of the conventional perspective of social media as a distraction, teachers can use the statistics above to their advantage through creating a curriculum that includes social media to enhance student engagement – while teaching them the fundamental media learning skills for the current world. 

Sure, it is also crucial to take the necessary precautions when implementing a social media literacy program — for instance, making sure that the courses are created following the policies of the social media platforms and the school. 

Literacy Benefits of Utilizing Social Media for Engaging Students 

Researchers from the Harvard Graduate School of Education stated that the ability of students to form and participate in study groups is one factor that has enhanced students to succeed most, especially at the college level. Students who held group discussion sessions at least once per week learned more, were more prepared for classes, and were more engaged in their studies than their counterparts who studied alone

Several students can have similar questions that are related to a particular concept discussed in the classroom or assignment. Considering the different styles of learning, personality traits and schedules, social media can offer an exemplary platform through which students can mutually benefit from the knowledge of the group by combining any of the following aspects: 

• Potential to get the answers or getting hints on how to get the answers that they are searching for

• Ability to build upon and contribute to the discussion at hand

• Opportunity to get new ideas to augment their critical thinking and knowledge on a specific topic

- all using a manner, time and platform that works for the students. 

Since most students already have social media accounts, facilitating the possibility of holding group study sessions is easy. That has an added benefit of attracting the more socially-conscious students while offering a platform where the shy students might be more comfortable to express their views. 

Final Verdict 

Teachers who integrate social media in their teaching arsenal are enjoyable to listen to, and their projects are challenging and fun. Students tend to understand what they discuss on social media more than what they learn from books and classroom materials. Social media allows students to engage with learning materials in a new way and consider new angles of paying attention to the information that others bring to the table. So, when used effectively, social media can help in engaging students in the classroom. 

How to improve patience skills with students at school

Every educator reaches a point in their lives where their students get the better of them, and they find themselves teetering on the edge of anger, or just giving up altogether. Whether it is due to improper behavior from a student, negative learning attitude, or even low-aptitude, being patient with students is a virtue you must pick up, and fast. A lot of teachers find that the best way to do it is through proper classroom management. This allows you to build a better environment to exercise your patience. 

Patience is one of the main qualities that teachers find themselves in need of, especially for young and new teachers. They are not alone; sometimes, even seasoned teachers find themselves trying to figure out how to improve patience skills with students at school. 

Understand your class 

As a teacher, the first thing you need to do is to understand your class. Pre-schoolers are different from preteens who are also different from teenagers. Students tend to have different attitudes regarding the classes they attend. Math and sciences are usually thought of as difficult by students, and as such, they are the most likely to need extra attention. This may make your life a little difficult in the process. 

Some students have a negative attitude towards the subject you teach. Others just can’t grasp the concepts or are generally uninterested but still have to sit in your class for a passing grade. Having this in mind, you will be able to take your teaching further by forming group discussions, one-on-one interactions, and student-led activities. This approach ensures no student is left behind and thus one less thing to worry about. 

Every teacher who has taught a class understands that there are several dynamics at play. You will have students who will pay attention to what you teach and respond to questions, those that will be busy doing something else; playing with phones, sleeping, murmuring and a few other things that end up interrupting you. Knowing your class allows you to develop a proper course of action that ends up engaging everyone. Understanding your class will allow you to organize what and how you will teach your students and ensure everyone participates and learns. 

Recognizing the triggers 

This extends to individual triggers; some students don’t respond well to confrontation and may end up shying away or even becoming aggressive. Others only respond if you approach them privately. Case in point, handling each student according to what works best for them yields better results and fewer headaches for you. Recognizing the triggers will help you adapt to different classroom situations and come up with solutions that would benefit both you and your students. 

Positive interaction 

Finally, learn to respond appropriately. The worst thing you can do as a teacher is to react to anything that sets you off; remember you are the adult, and it is your responsibility to take the moral high ground. The last thing your students want to see is you angry; it makes you unapproachable (especially when dealing with young students) and thus isolates you even further from the people you want to help. 

Positivity will also allow you to reward students based on good behavior and performance. This ends up reinforcing a good and entertaining learning culture that would, in turn, make your life easier. 

In conclusion, being patient is no easy task, especially when you must do it every other day. The right approach can make a difference between success and failure. As a teacher, being patient is a skill that you have to cultivate and make it second nature. In the end, everyone gets to benefit, and mostly, you get to appreciate your accomplishments. 

How to Improve Children’s Critical Thinking Skills

Learning to think critically might be one of the essential accomplishments that today's kids will require for the future. In this modern and fast developing world, kids need to be capable of doing more than just reciting facts. 

Kids need to be critical thinkers that can make sensible decisions, compare, analyze, make inferences, contrast and develop high order thinking skills. Our current society tends to crush essential critical thinking skills with mind-resenting television shows, video games and easy guides. It kills problem-solving skills by spoon feeding simple available solutions. The killing of critical thinking has become a problem for the today’s young generation. 

The following are the essential steps to help your child develop critical thinking skills 

• Ask Your Child “Why” 

Do you recall how your kids made you go crazy during the why stage? They continuously battered you with why. Why is it dark at night? Why is the sun hot? Why? Why? Now is your time to ask them why. Asking why six times helps children build critical thinking skills to solve problems. When your kid asks for a new videogame, always ask them why. They may say because it's famous and everybody has it. Your next ‘why' will get them digging into what makes it remarkable. They may say it is rooted in WWII. Ask why again. This will make them dig more deeply into the reason why it is based on WWII. All these "why’s" will make them come up with a deeper understanding of the war fought in world war II and the reason behind the battle. 

• Support Arguments At Home 

Let your kid argue through their perspective on a topic. Do they want to have a late dinner? Have them give their answer about why they should eat late. Then rather than telling them, you were thinking why they should not, put them in your situation and have them think of the logic why you are not allowing them to eat late.

Deliberate over a solution. Maybe the logic why you did not allow them to eat late before a specific time was because they could have gone to bed late. Start an experiment - a week of staying up late to examine if they can endure early waking up. Have them gather the daily data. Do they still feel fatigue in the morning? Not able to focus in school? Evaluate the data together and have them find the perfect solution. 

Try 30 minutes for one week and rerun the data compilation and evaluate the process. 

• Incorporate Research skills in Day to day life 

Enhance your kid’s critical thinking through research that challenges their minds. This can be done in day to day life. If they need something, let them research about it by making enquiries about it like, places, prices and times. In case your children are older, indulge them in making their budgets when they need to go for trips or movies. Encourage them to make plans before the D-day, like reading movie reviews to make the right choice or campsite reviews to get well prepared for the day ahead. This experience teaches them research techniques and in turn, boosts their critical thinking skills. 

• Involve The Children In The Kitchen To Practice Trial And Error 

A lot of critical thinking is needed in a kitchen environment for anyone in that environment. This would be a great environment to enhance your children’s critical thinking skills in various ways like asking for their opinion on what to cook, how the food is, what ingredients to use and many more. Ask them what should be done to make the meal tastier or what to add to it like salt. 

Cooking also helps the child gain problem-solving skills as a skill set. Let them know what mistakes they made, why it happened, and what to do to solve it. Was it a poor choice of ingredients or wrong ratio used? When they figure this out, then it proves that their critical thinking skills are growing. 


As a guardian, parent or caregiver when you help your children develop their critical thinking skills then you are playing a significant role in their life because you are providing them with vital life skills that will mold them into responsible and productive adults. 

How to Help a Child Cope with Social Anxiety in School

Teachers have a huge role in assisting learners to overcome anxiety attacks. Social anxiety is a big enemy working hard to hinder the learner from trying out new adventures in school. This prevents children from reaching their full potential and abilities. 

Below are some strategies on how to help a child cope with social anxiety in school. 

Prepare your Child for the Situation ahead 

In case an event is coming up, prepare your child for the event ahead of time. A little time for rehearsal will go a long way in helping a child. Help the child to rehearse, and take some time to act as the audience. Be sincere in comments but do not inflate them with too much flattery. Enough preparation is enough to overcome anxiety attacks before a presentation. 

Teach the Child Relaxation Skills 

Relaxation skills will help a child get through overwhelming situations in school. Taking deep breaths and practicing progressive muscle relaxation are advanced skills for dealing with anxiety. Using these skills to calm down after an anxiety attack requires a little training and experience. Help a child out in any way you can to master these skills. 

Encourage a child to Participate in More Activities 

Children need to be more active during indoor and outdoor class activities. Identify the child who is afraid to participate for fear of failure. Make the child understand that failure is part of the learning process. For very shy children, you may employ some extrinsic motivational strategies. 

Create Awareness among the School Community 

Introduce programs that make students aware that their colleagues could be prone to anxiety attacks. Introduce books and videos of kids with no confidence but later got to learn how to control their anxiety episodes. Teach students how to help their shy colleagues overcome their worst fears and try out new adventures. Friends are the best option to help a student regain long lost self-esteem. 

Inform the Relevant Bodies 

The guidance and counseling department is very important in helping a child cope with social anxiety in school. Refer children with special needs to the guidance and counseling department. Make other teachers and the principal aware if necessary. Let their parents know if their child requires extensive professional help. Also let their parents know the role they play in shaping their child’s reaction to anxiety attacks. 

Learn to Intervene in a helpful way 

Motivate both negative and positive actions of the child accordingly. Identify the time you need to step back so that the child does not feel like he/she has been graded as a shy person. You may overlook some tendencies that may shame the child. Watch from a distance but learn to intervene at the most opportune moment. 

It is not easy to apply some skills on how to help a child cope with social anxiety in school. Parents, teachers and classmates have an important role to play. Apply the above-listed skills and you will be sure to help your learners overcome anxiety in the school setting. 

How to Deal with a Child that Cries over Everything at School

All children cry; the difference is with the interval of crying episodes. Loud cries can be irritating at times. It is your responsibility as a teacher to help a child reduce their magnitude and regularity of crying. As an adult and probably a parent, you are better equipped to guide the child through. 

Below is how to deal with a child that cries over everything. 

Avoid Outbursts of Emotions 

When handling the crying child, do not get too emotional when the child persists with crying. Shouting, hitting surfaces near you and threatening the child will do no good. Create a cooling down formula that you use to calm down your learners when they are crying hysterically. Mastering the art of hiding your emotions will help you calm down a crying child faster. 

Reinforce Behavior Only When Necessary 

Showering your child with gifts every time that he/she makes an effort to refrain from crying is not recommended. When the child gets used to this routine of getting a reward every time, it is likely for the child to cry even more when you withdraw such reinforcements. Make the giving of the gifts irregular to help you gain full control of the process. 

Try to Understand the Reason for the Child’s Cries 

When a child is crying, calm down the child first, then proceed to find out the cause for the discontentment. Listen keenly to the reason why the child is crying and help out in any way possible. Do not laugh at the reason why the child is crying. 

When you understand what triggers the cry, you can contain the child’s cry long before it escalates. At least try to show that you understand what the child is going through. 

Train the Child to Express Emotions in an Alternate Manner 

Most children cry to express their feelings which they are afraid to communicate verbally. Sometimes they cry to express discomfort or embarrassment. Train the child to verbally speak out what they need at any time. Skills of dealing with embarrassing and emotional moments will also help a child to reduce crying episodes. 

Seek Professional Help for the Child 

Some children may cry excessively even during the time they should not be shedding tears. Some illnesses may cause an almost-endless flow of tears down the child’s eyes. A visit to the pediatrician will help you determine if the child has eye or ear infections causing the excessive tear flow. If the child is all good, the parent may seek the help of a psychiatrist. 

Encourage the Art of Sharing where Necessary 

Some children have the unpleasant tendency of crying for things belonging to their friends. Encourage children in class to share whenever they can. Try speaking to parents to ensure that their children come to school loaded with the things that may need for the day at school. When the child is comfortable at school, crying episodes are reduced. 

The entire school community has an important role in helping a child who cries a lot. By mastering the above instructions, you get to learn more on how to how to deal with a child that cries over everything at school. Your classrooms will be more peaceful and controlled. 

How to cope with poverty as a teenager at school

Living in poverty can have various adverse effects on the life of a teen. Issues such as witnessing violence in homes, living in neighborhoods with a high rate of crime, low parental monitoring, and lack of financial stability can significantly contribute to teen problems. Fortunately, there are numerous ways that you can use to cope with poverty as a teen. 

Earning money as a teenager can be challenging. Certain jobs, for example, are not available to teenagers. However, with persistence and some creativity, you can earn cash in various ways. Here are some of the ways a teenager at school can cope with poverty. 

Looking for things you can sell 

One of the best ways to make some cash on the side is to sell some of the things you don’t need anymore. Look around your yard or house for things you own but are willing to part with for money. You will have an easy time earning some additional cash this way, especially if your items are in pretty good condition and are people like them. Get your parents to help you post them on social media platforms particularly in groups where people are selling or looking to buy used stuff. 

Cleaning people’s houses 

Most people are eager for assistance when it comes to keeping their houses clean. Nevertheless, traditional cleaning companies can be incredibly expensive. As a result, some people might consider hiring teenagers who will clean their houses for a pretty reasonable cost. If you love cleaning and are also great at being detailed about it, a home cleaning business may be suitable for you. 

Washing cars 

Many busy people do not have the time to clean their vehicles, but you can make some money doing it for them. You will need equipment like soap, a bucket, rags to clean with as well as towels to dry the cars with. If you are cleaning the interior of the vehicles as well, you will want to get some paper towels and a window cleaner. A portable hand-held vacuum cleaner can be a great accessory too. 

Most customers will allow you to utilize their water and hose to clean the exterior of the vehicle. Some might lend you their vacuum cleaner for cleaning the interior, but ensure to check with the clients before you take the cleaning job. 

Running errands for people 

Most busy families and people would love to pay a teenager who is willing to run their errands for them. They can send you to purchase some groceries for them or to the post office to send a package

They might have you pick up or drop off dry cleaning or to pick up some medications at the drug store. You can choose to work in neighborhoods where popular stores and other destinations are near to a lot of apartments and homes to make some serious money. 

Pet sitting 

The other great job for teenagers involves pet sitting. Some people might need pet care services while they are away at work or if they don’t like leaving their pet alone when they rush out of the house to run some errands. Others might require pet care services while they are on vacation. However, the amount of time it takes you to pet sit usually depends on the kind of pet. 

A dog will need constant care at your own home or the home of the pet owner. Other pets like fish or cats might require that you check on them twice a day. You can decide in advance the types of pets you will sit for and which you will not. Also, set your prices depending on the amount of time you will spend every day caring for a pet. 


If you are a teen and are looking for ways to cope with poverty by earning some money on the side, you are not alone. Most teenagers are looking for appropriate ways they can make some money to cover all their expenses. There are things to purchase, such as clothes, electronic devices, and entertainment costs as well. Other teenagers also need to save for college costs, cars, and many other big purchases. 

If you are one of the many teenagers who want or needs to earn some money to cover all these costs, the ways discussed above will be of great help. You can select the ones that might work best for you, and begin earning today to realize your dreams. 

How teachers should handle the death of a student

Human feelings are complicated; sorrow or death is one of the most intense and mind bugging feelings. The act of processing grief, getting led off emotions and learning to move on after experiencing the loss of a loved one is a difficult task for almost everyone. The same applies to teachers and students after the death of a follow student. The recurring trend of death in schools has continued to raise concerns on how teachers should handle such situations in a manner that ensures a psychologically balance among grieving students. 

How long it takes for students and a school in general to adjust to a students’ death varies. As such, appropriate mechanisms should be put in place with immediate and long term action plans.

Responding to the death of a student in a school setting: 

Intervention of the school crisis team 

When a death occurs, teachers should activate the school crisis team and plan to address the loss immediately. The crisis team needs to work swiftly by adhering to the following guidelines. 

• Verify the information first 

The crisis team needs to confirm the fact that a student is dead before making any announcement. This information can be obtained from members of the family or the local authority. 

• Decide on which information to disclose 

The crisis team, which generally comprises of a group of teachers, must reach out to the deceased family to get information already in public and be aware of details that are still private. 

• Notify the whole school 

After the death is confirmed, the information should be made available to all teaching and non-teaching staff and the entire student community. It's essential to note that notification must need to be based on facts, particularly from parents.

How to break the news to students that one of theirs has died

A school is the best environment to provide support services to other students once a student dies. The reason for this is because the school offers a familiar environment for students. A larger group of students can be served at a go and close monitoring of psychologically affected students and those who need support is relatively easier. Teachers must be creative when notifying students of such incidents. 

• Write down a statement for students 

Grownups struggle to break the news concerning the death of a person. Breaking news to students should happen in small groups that occur naturally, preferably in a classroom. It’s essential to let the teacher who is too close to students, particularly the class teacher break the news. Large gatherings or assemblies must be avoided at all cost when breaking the news. The aim of having small groups is to ensure similar information is given to students across the whole school as verbal narration may distort the intended message. 

How to handle grieving students 

After students learn of the death of their fellow mate, chances of experiencing emotional distress are very high. Due to this, teachers need to formulate the best approach to deal with such crises. 

• Support students to maintain class attendance and learning 

Teachers need to address the incidence of grieving students directly and make them understand they have no control over nature. In spite of the efforts, students will still end up expressing different emotions and feelings; but the aim of a teacher should be to ensure such expressions do not affect their overall performance. 

• Help students fight negative feelings 

The death of fellow students would make other students regret, especially if they had wronged the deceased before. As a teacher, you should try to make them realize they did nothing wrong and that no one owes them blames. 


Generally, when such news is made available to students, every student must be monitored. The staff counseling team must be very active to handle any emerging psychological case. It's vital to note that giving students a chance to mourn their colleague helps reduce the feeling or sorrow and increase acceptance to the fact that a friend is no more. 

How teachers can protect themselves from deceitful minors in school

In the profession of teaching, tutors come across minors with all sorts of behaviors. The big puzzle comes in on how to handle them. As a teacher, one must exercise a high level of professionalism to ensure deceitful minors don’t have their way past you. However, how do you go about this? 

Below are tips that can help you stay on your guard as a teacher. 

1. Walk the truth 

As a teacher once you realize rude behavior among minors, confronting them when you have facts is very important. Having facts at hand prevents chances of a minor playing off misleading games as is mostly the case. 

If you are not sure of the incident that happened, get to the bottom of it before facing the minor concerned. Starting with this step saves you an absolute mountain of headaches that would strike you once you realize the minor deceived you. 

2. Enforce discipline 

In a school environment, there is no room for students to lie or deny something they did themselves, especially in front of a teacher. A teacher must remember that a school is a learning institution meant to model students to be responsible people in the future. Allowing them to cheat and go unnoticed should not be entertained as it can lead to bad behavior in the future. 

A modest way of enforcing discipline is by giving punishment to a minor and making them understand their mistake. If you are lenient enough, you can warn them not to repeat the same mistake as it would lead to severe punishment. 

3. Move on 

After punishments, close the case. Start your class normally and move away from the thought. Never give room for arguments since everyone would want to defend their misdeeds. You must remember that you have taught, modeled, and put in practice proper classroom management, so students know what is right and wrong. 

4. Take control of your class 

Taking control of the classroom means getting every student’s attention way before you start teaching. It means that you do not teach until everyone is seated and focused. You do not need to shout at students to be quiet and attentive but just walking inside a classroom and engaging students with something interesting that otherwise will draw their attention will do the trick. 

It's vital to note that starting a lesson without students’ attention only aggravates actions of deceitful minors. 

5. Set consequences for misbehaving 

Appropriate school and classroom management starts on the first day of school. Immediately students learn that associating themselves in acts of deceit may increase their chances of getting punished; they always avoid engaging in such acts. Setting things straight requires drafting school and class rules that collectively bar minors from engaging in malicious acts that otherwise place them on the wrong side of the school rules. 


As a teacher, it vital to let students understand that rules that protect the school learning process are non-negotiable and sacred. Denying, arguing, and complaining about a thing that you did yourself is fruitless and will only get you punished. 

How mindfulness in schools helps depression

Mindfulness is a mediation therapy that is mainly focused on exercising attentiveness. Depression usually comes from negative feelings as well as worries. But once you learn to recognize these feelings quickly, then you can easily intervene before depression sinks in. 

The goal of mindfulness is to help the brain stay calm and be controlled when a person experiences anxiety-inducing situations. 

Many schools nowadays have decided to involve their students in mindfulness. Many teachers around the world are making use of mindfulness intervention to help their student stay away from depression and anxiety. There are several studies which prove that students remain more focused and caring after engaging in mindfulness practice sessions five times a week. 

Mindfulness can also enable students to have better control over their thoughts and emotions. 

Mindfulness practices allow students to be intentionally aware of the present moment; this allows students to pause before automatically reacting to others. Instead of the students being distressed because of rejection or criticisms, they can easily step back and understand their automatic reactions and be attuned to their fellows’ needs and emotions. Its awareness provides students with options on how to respond to situations instead of being carried away by their emotions. 

Mindfulness enables students to bring more of their attention to relationships and to appreciate the time they have spent with others. It also helps them get rid of distressing histories; hence, they can relate well with people. 

With mindfulness, disagreements have become more constructive opportunities for students. They can be in a position to identify their mistakes and problems and focus on potential solutions.  

Mindfulness in school enables students to have more energy and feel less overwhelmed by negative emotions. It also enables them to cope with difficult situations and support others easily. 

Getting through difficulties with their friends via mindful communication can help students feel closer to each other. In addition to that, it also provides them with energy and emotional stamina to spend more time with their friends. 

If students engage in mindfulness activities daily, they will become more assertive and learn to say no to what they do not feel comfortable doing. This can help in lessening their load of responsibilities. Students will therefore become more balanced in acknowledging other people’s needs as well as their own. 

With mindfulness practice, students can now approach situations that they would previously stay away from. 

Mindfulness improves students’ confidence and assertiveness; it enables them to feel more confident when involved in social activities. 

Students who engage in mindfulness programs are likely to have decreased depression, stress and anxiety symptoms. 

If you are experiencing any negative emotions, it is essential for you to confront it rather than doing nothing about it. Mindfulness can be a very great tool for students who are may be experiencing challenges and feel depressed. By regularly practicing it, they will be in a better position to deal with any negative situation that comes their way. All teachers should encourage mindfulness so for students to improve their lives.